Monday, October 23, 2006

Jcpenney Salon Extensions

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Wednesday, August 16, 2006

What Causes Wax Taste In Mouth


A bit late for now I announce that I cease to publish. We say that this is a summer break, but I know it could continue. Anyway I put the whole story in pdf format, if you're interested go leave a comment, find a way to produrvelo.
Thank you and happy holidays to those who qualify.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Kidney Stone Stuck In Urethrasyntoms

Summer Youth 'Chapter 6

was the beginning of May, around five. I know because we went in a group home in the countryside of Antonella, another friend of Erika, to celebrate his birthday. It was expected that we stopped on Saturday and Sunday, complete with a visit to the wine fair in one country but not too close. I was invited to the last case, and that already put me on a war footing, pushing me to say that I would not have participated. But there was little to blame, since the fault was more anything else that I ever did see, and then I would certainly accept spent Sunday with Marta. My irritation did not survive and I decided to go with the others.

were three machines, nine or ten people in total. I would not have seemed much of a start, it was not for the two cases of beer prepared for the needs of the trip. It was a journey of just under an hour, stuff you do not joke about. We arrived with three bottles of drain-to-head.

The time of departure had been planned with care to be in place in time to spend the afternoon having lunch do not remember that day, see you in the house Antonella at eleven or so. That, knowing the company down there, I had already postponed to noon. Now when, punctually late, that the Swiss could adjust the clocks on our delays, Antonella put a cake in the oven, an hour of cooking on the whole acceptable, while others call it then starts immediately. I do not know how to explain, perhaps the fact that most of the others were still in a catatonic state for the previous night, maybe my watch was branded Ferrari, was three in the afternoon and we were in the car downstairs waiting for Antonella, I do not know or who or what. It was also memorable for our standard: five hours late on the actual departure theoretical, but eventually the engine roared to exotic beaches. A seventy kilometers away. Acceptable, I repeat, lunch blown apart, but the beer contains carbohydrates enough.

Which brings us to the country, after having lost a fair number of times. You can not be perfect. Immediately entranced by a comfortable house with a beautiful lawn in front, and here is a list of unbreakable rules dictated by the owner because the rules were so unbreakable, but no glass and crockery. We eat dinner after a patrol approximate and inspiring surroundings, and eat a little 'wine to prepare for the feast to come. Or should that be, because now we are preparing after eleven, not even to say come to the festival when almost everybody is going. But managed to get pasta and beans and wine, probably squeezed from the bottom of some barrel moldy, judging by the quality. Save the evening with tambourines, which are discrete players, even if our happiness is not shared much in a country where the rumble is the envy of the Scala in Milan. At two at home, even without the school, which limits our exits, but hunger and loneliness are the best. We eat our third dinner with plenty of additional consumption of wine before going to sleep. And despite the lack of girls find myself in bed with a man, although it is Mario, it means close bag to coat. E ' left too much wine for not wanting to be safe.

Early morning we wake up, at least me and Mario, or at least better than Mario, which is generous to wake up. The fumes of alcohol a few hours before they leave me uncertain on a vision that I had during the night, perhaps a failed joke or a dream of mine, but now I'm awake and I do not like wasting time. I find that in fact they are eleven and the sun beats down on the grass with an intensity enviable stuffing your sleeping bag and I find myself to cook on the grass, quickly joined by Miriam. Miriam is another friend, nice but maybe a bit 'strange, and because my character would be well inclined to mild be my friend, especially if she was gone, sleep emaciated that grips me hard fact is discouraged by his incredible noise, it goes round and round on his sleeping bag, I guess it is pink from the boredom that threatens to drive her wild. If before, seized with pity the merciful, not suppress me. But Mario also comes shortly before my execution, and somehow increase the noise in my Morpheus defeats staff. I resign myself to find a way to pass the hours waiting for the others are recovering from their lethargy.

Lunch somehow appears around three o'clock in the afternoon, when we all wake up and now, forget most of the rules the day before, we viveggiando throughout the house. News fresh sms reveal that others are coming soon, and the other includes a dozen friends, including Martha. I prepare the umpteenth episode of mutual disinterest without a lot of mental masturbation, and I feel ready until she arrives. Then the afternoon takes a strange turn.

I applaud to be a person of good manners, so when you get the hang of new friends to greet them all the necessary coldness. All the same, including Martha. Mica one can always carry a grudge. But I do not upset their arrival, so that does not interrupt for a second an interesting exercise that I invented to pass the time on the gravel of the courtyard, my being lying on the ground and imitation of the most spectacular shot in football, a backslash. All studied in great detail, because the court is narrow in a sandwich of house windows and parked cars.

Marta, meanwhile, ambush with Erika, spend time together as Siamese twins, but for some alchemy did not feel the need for scientifically-deductible, every time they meet, afforestation for a moment. They are preparing their plan of attack for the afternoon. Attack on those who do not is unknown, but this seems to me the most logic. When they come into our universe Marta lost the outer cover in favor of a black top, that even if he does not smagrisse certainly noticed. It is no secret that Florida is not the American peninsula, but every time makes her beautiful effect. The wide skirt wearing them should be spared the need to slip in, of course. I do not get distracted from my ignore, but now my game has come to bore me, and I switched to other activities.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Hawaii Macadamia Farms For Sale

Youth' section 5 (2)

I must add that Martha, the night before, I had not seen the show, probably not informed that it was free, preferring that the embrace of Morpheus of my words.

But here is a quick draws. In fact he had spent most of the time necessary to reconstruct my number, giving me the opportunity to ask what he thought of my act. But when he returned the phone to ring I waited for the second ring. On occasion we should not show impatience. Again she was obviously, and trivially began the conversation. A conversation as I have almost never had. It was pleasant to say the least. Everything I did was to let the cynicism most of which I was able to soak the phone cord that united us, responding when more coldly and ironically I could to any claim. I have never felt more seconded by someone. My dog \u200b\u200bhad the misfortune of passing too close while talking, I was so cold that one leg was frozen. My mother put it in the oven to warm, and never saw him again. But the roast that night was really good. Suede, I said my mother, and I had to believe her, I had never tasted the chamois. But saving the gist of conversation at the end the result was simple: in one way or another I did not want to have anything to do with them, and were warmly invited to not be more alive to me. I left the phone and shut myself in the room, I finished the fuel to keep cold and aloof, now was the time of suffering.

are a type of speech, I will. If nothing else, outwardly proud to indecent levels, to the point that I cut off a hand to prove to someone that if I say something I do it. And this was my strength within eighteen months. Not very hard to admit that I suffered the separation, especially since after a year of hanging out with them I had to return to establish old relationships broken without too much hesitation. I did not know how to behave, because, to avoid unpleasant encounters, I had to widen the circle of people who no longer go to all the friends I had in common with the girls. To be honest, sometimes we went out again, with those friends, after the Sunday times that slowly thickens over time, but carefully avoided any occasion where I may encounter, and this sometimes happens if I stood on the sidelines and avoid having contact with anyone. I admit that this meant I was myself the first to suffer the private situation of the fun in their presence, but my pride was worth much more than an entertaining evening.

If nothing else, after treatment Ethyl I did, I got to let my body detox at least in part. That 's what my doctor says, at least, according to which everything that could have resulted in some drinking uncertainty in the operation of certain parts of my digestive system. I do not know what has been invented. But it's the same excuses that the State used against smokers to stop them. Must all be jealous because when it's up to me so I'll just, I know because I've heard from many smokers and alcoholics, and if what they say in so many can not be true. They are almost all dead, those many, it is true, and no old age, but at least we believed them.

However a year and a half passed without too many complications, at least not compared to what could have been. I had now gained the assurance of being selfless to renew a bond so old, and had rebuilt a particular love life outside the group that at least gave me some satisfaction. It was a matter of chance encounters with partners never fixed, with whom relations had in fact when we had nothing else to do. It just came out, we spoke even less, but there was no sex. Sex and occasionally end in itself, not be the best for a man, but it's better than nothing. And then I'm pretty sure I'm not made for a stable couple relationship, I am always tired too fast of a woman. But that's another story.

I said that a year and a half had passed by now. I shamelessly deceiving, trying every possible opportunity to see at least Martha but then ignore it as much as I could. He was a sadistic game with myself, but I think, on the other hand, I really only wanted it to her to reopen a dialogue. I constantly pretend to have an attitude of proud and haughty, and in particular led them not to speak to a kind of awe that gives it with my own attitude. Then when I found myself alone, I cried on the fear that in reality she does not care about me. I have not figured out how things actually were, but the wall was torn down, to my slight relief.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Psoriasis On Scalp Cause Enlarged Lymph Node

Youth 'Chapter 5

Pass a respectable September, nights out, a few meetings convivial afternoon, resemble those of a cultural group, and I do the part of the profane more dedicated to the practice than their academic longings. History repeats itself, the school starts again, but now even they are old enough to license, and gradually enroll in driving school. Some friends have already given the exam, and at night it is easier to organize when they have some means of transporting things. Here the group clotting, before facing a new division, with the increase of school commitments. And not only.

Like everyone, even members of the group, growing, increasing their economic needs. Auto means gasoline, Smoke means cigarette packs, and be an adult means that parents expect from you a greater awareness with respect to family expenses. Here is everyone trying to land as may a few bucks, we are still in prehistoric times, even in the pre-Euro history, trying to camp in any job without too many commitments, but with even less time demands. Who does the job at the advertising offers from time to time, read the notices on shop signs, we write curriculum vitae; good even when these young people lost in the absence of values \u200b\u200bin a once successful, how did our parents, to give the ' impression of being interested in doing something important. We create smokescreens that the CIA would envy.

And now looming on the horizon, the first pseudo professional figures. God bless capitalism and Adam Smith, to venerate the United States bring themselves to apply it all to us. It is precisely the overseas chains to give more job opportunities to those who can not make a lot of hours, as they know how to adapt their needs to the flexibility of time, not bread and water. Mc Donald, somewhere secluded beach resort in Barbados is committed to give some money just Martha and Arianna, asking in exchange for some of the hours we devote to combing their hair flowing. Readily place is accepted, with such approval of a schedule compatible with the needs of schools. Study says Uncle Sam is good, so then you can do better helpers. The command posts, unfortunately, are already booked.

So their output will decline further. Work in the afternoon, evening hours to study, on weekends you retrieve what has been left behind during the week. Except on Saturday night, what is sacred.

One day, incipit purely formal, so incredibly unbearable days I have not experienced a lot, my parents leave. I do not remember where they went, but would return the next day. So I had to spend the Sabbath in the thinner solitude at home, and for a twenty-two is not a dream. In the afternoon I go out with Mario, a habit that if it was not yet entrenched it would soon become, and the late meeting the girls. Hello, how are you and later we have to work. Mario has to go to dinner at home, I offer to accompany them to work and pick it up, you can not afford to lose?

And so it was. With one exception. The McDonald's is inside a large shopping mall, and we do not even think to return to the boredom of an empty house. Thus passed the hours they devote to work through masses of windows and special offers, going from ice cream the "Ladies' Underwear" with a gap that puts a strain on my sense of reality. After eating a cone-flavored g-string and having touched the purchase of a PC with a cage of canaries in place of the hard disk, I realize that this is not the best place to me, so I fly into a library and I reassures listless reading some words of Stephen King. If he really wanted to be a horror writer, I thought, would have done better to have more experience in shopping malls.

time travel and the closing of the old girls going to wait on the terrace where they eat dinner. Time ten minutes, where the air fresh restore my limbs still remember to be on Earth, and they were joined by two trays with the same number of sealed containers of salad. To save my sanity I am comforted by the fact that the trays are governed by many pairs of hands attached themselves to my friends. Again, I avoided a straitjacket, I think with a sigh.

observation that, although the sandwiches should be developed to feed the greedy mouths of the bins in a corner of the parking spaces, employees are not given to eat for a value in excess of their meal ticket, not is stingy, not anything we derive the shareholders. It 'good that Mac Daddy is afraid that fat can weaken the health of people so devoted to the welfare of the company. And then we would not, in our city, the mice have to stick are forced to beg at traffic lights.

time to start eating, we reached a friend of the girls. Hello, it's all right, there he drove me home. Not bad as an idea. Let's go to the car, and I notice a faint surprise that, in spite of what had happened on the outward, not just the back seat is not distorted by any backside, but turning right I get caught by un'agorafobia daunting. Luckily a quick consultation had decreed as a meeting house of Ariadne on the outside we want to spy on the mica while in the shower with their parents who watch television in the kitchen!

I reach the place designated in advance sconfortevole, and with an equally sconfortevole spent waiting to hear the replacement driver and another friend who has joined us in the meantime I be informed of the new point of assembly. Needless to say, the school girls. But now I feel the absence of an anticoagulant in the blood, and in those cases nothing works well as a beer big. No longer surprised by the black hole that has formed in the meantime my car all around the driver's seat I am going to go first in front of the school, but there, not finding anyone, I go for a healthy early evening stop at the nearest bar. Less than five minutes and I'm back on the planned site of the meeting in good company. Dolce in an equivocal sense, the distillate of malt touches the competition for a coffee without sugar. Of the others, not even the shadow. May have been abducted by aliens, who died in a car accident or so probably somewhere else, there's certain is that there's only me. A shortage of ideas, and without the need to make them want to come, look. I have the beer and the car, paradise is just around the corner.

Things change, my mechanic says, pointing to a car shifting gears. And when the beer ends up in my elevator to heaven gives background and I find myself falling into the opposite direction. We still do not see anyone, and my phone is silent. Around the hope that it does not wish to send sms, knowing how much I hate them, it is now blurred, as it should have been supported by a phone call or visit for information from someone. He then decided to do my own thing, and with some doubt I go to another likely meeting point, where they find no one at all, otherwise it would be an unlikely point, anyway. I should have thought before you start the car. I'll be back before school, and I do the only thing I have left. I am in the place provided for the meeting. The others are disappeared. For some reason that is unclear to me I find myself having to do live. And I do, and how. With a text message, that even if I hate them, I developed an instinct to write that would be the envy of any stenographer. In one hundred and sixty characters, unique signature because I do not sign them, I make the effort to write, it's up to you to find out that I sent you I turn to some observations on the Ariadne approach to be taken to comply with the rules of social life, making them present in these situations which have not been fully respected by her and Martha, all seasoned with an unmistakable tone of contempt and violence that has had the effect. When I reach a few minutes later, I'm just in time for see the first and only channel the show of the evening, in which a word of contempt to individuals around me and at the end of which, with the absence of applause from an audience of more surprised that ecstatic, I remove the tents and head my bed, not without a bottle of wine of the bracket, not to lose the habit. Replicas on demand, the show is not recommended the presence of impressionable minors and individuals.

SMS This time I did not reach, or that day or the next morning. At lunchtime on Sunday, I reached a call. Answered my mother, Marta. Seraphic calmly grabs the phone and I put the original place. A little dramatic, as a gesture, I admit, but the effect has had on my self-esteem. Obviously I expect a new call attempt, and the rest in the area.

Friday, July 7, 2006

Light Olive Color Paint

Youth' Chapter 4

The only resent the following weekend. Or rather, I heard Julius, and Marta Arianna because I had not called out. Not having a car, usually asking me to pick it up. But not this Friday, so I had to call Julie. Meet in front of their school, as usual.

As I said, the situation did not present an appropriate balance, and it was obvious that sooner or later there would be a change. That evening, I learned from Erika, the her friends had gone out with other people. She was with Julie, and I was the prince of reggifiaccola. I would be king, but I was too modest.

The evening began like any other. Probably it was not just the three of us, I can not say for sure, but surely there was something to drink, so a bottle is opened and the other the long-running debate on what to do tonight. As if we really had some ideas to propose for the evening. But it was an inevitable rite, which inevitably leads to the same solution, but it was quite late, so the alcohol made it less obvious the fact of going in the same room. And in that particular Erika evening made it possible to receive SMS news of Martha. Vattelapesca were with, their classmate, and they would go somewhere to dance. Passed first to greet us. I do not know why.

expectations, the place where they were going to dance took shape, "we meet in a room just by him," Amen. They were not even got out, I just seemed a bad sign, and already could not stand the lack of education, that seemed like a real challenge. The evening turned bad.

the local were certainly more than just the three of us. I took my car, and when I drive I'm not much for Thin, I, even in the park. Starting after they were gone the anticipations of a few minutes and minutes that were translated in white hair on the heads of my passengers. We ordered drinks, we sat on the terrace. A terrace on a narrow city street crowded with cars of kids with the car radio at full blast trying to place their orridomobili in a few holes to go dancing. Recommend him. But we could see if they passed.

And they did. In the sense that they passed and greeted us. From inside the car. Have you ever seen a parade official? Here they are, inside the car to greet us. It would seem the shift of the President with the most boisterous parade ever as if they had not had a car. They parked in a hurry, we just drink when they came to greet the third, only two of them, Mr. ignorance was in a hurry to go dancing. Sometimes people can not wait to do anything stupid. At that time he found it empty, the track, but you would like to watch people looking at the empty track for a drink and spend twice what we were drinking out there, surrounded by an inferno of heat? The girls greet us, the others are lined up, we must reach them. At most we see ourselves in, kisses and hugs. A voice, physical contact was not in their religion.

Now, neither I nor Julius lacked some pride. We did not chase people to join, and we did not need. And that seemed like the evening in which we would follow other people to spend time with them. I had already planned to leave, and I hid. A brief discussion between Julie and Erika, the first one to share my idea, the second inclined to stay with friends. Yet another divorce between the two, at least predictable, and we go all three. The evening is saved, however, we are creative people, us.

It happened again, something like that. I do not remember if before or after that night, but I think one or two weeks later. The situation was similar, we meet at the school three of us, not without the proper supply of alcohol. I that we would meet the needs of alcohol in a small town, only three of us, if we had won what they drank.

News phone, go in that space in the center, in fact we are almost there, join us. In the car, I drive for a change. At least you get fast. A destination I have to pay a tint to both of my passengers, but we have no problem to park. Maybe the other cars to circulate in that area, but not us to park.

We are moving to the place, and we discover that they have not yet arrived. We began, before discovering that it is paid. Given our expenses for the drinks we had always Use sparingly in paying the inputs on the premises. Aspettiamole out. Aspettiamole. Aspettiamole. Well, maybe in the car, but because their phone is off, it is explained. Still waiting and waiting and waiting. When taking the half-hour of waiting we generally annoys the nervousness and salt. And we're not special. Julie and Erika, needless to say, spat. I invade the airwaves with messages that cost me several sessions in the confessional in the church, but they are not news and decisions. Spend more than an hour before my hand chooses to start somewhere and the car will take us, but now the romance is broken. Another evening pit.

The morning I wake up and they were joined by a text message. Difficult to write sms. But in less than one hundred and sixty characters, including signature, Arianna justifies his behavior and Martha, she blames me the fight between Julie and Erika and accuses me of hate them. It contains the signatures that are both. Perry Mason he would not escape as without legal counsel. Maybe for people like you in the process would not be in Italy late on roadmaps, but in advance of the complaints. I think good to give up the question, I do not want to get a bellyache useless. I'm a quiet guy, me.

May, June, July and August. The fracture is evident, and I can not see more for a while. There animosity between us. There just is not any more. Months spent hanging out with Julie, Erika and other friends, and rental costs to be somewhere that I can not remember. But nothing from the river that always flows in September brings up a new and old memories and new hopes come together to unite the destinies of a group that is now thought lost. By the end of the holidays once again begin to go out together, with the limitations and habits the year before. The only change of any value is that, now, are no longer a part-timer but a worker's entire account, with eight hours of business to be performed daily, and so much more to write off tiredness in the evening to find the will to exit. On the other hand the year spent hanging out with the same people has changed me, I was more aligned to them. I no longer feel the chasm between us a year ago, I no longer have the impression of being an intruder. Hooray, hang out with my friends.

Friday, June 23, 2006

How To Wear Converse Low Tops

Youth 'Chapter 3 (3)

So April came and with it the first signs of a crack that would grow quickly. At first all of the friends of Erika, Marta Arianna and left us, but the peak occurred between April 18 and May 1.

remember that year fell on Easter Sunday, April 20. I remember it because it is closely related to me a date. There are few dates that a man must always remember their lives. The date of birth, that his first experience with a woman and that of his death. The date of the wedding, remember that if their wives, and their opportunity to accuse her husband of having again forgotten the most important anniversary we found the majority of marriages. A husband who takes his family must at least pretend not to remember what day he got married. However this is not what interests me. That date, I said, I remember it because it is closely related to my life. There I was born, and virginity already did not remember having ever had. So you just have to admit that it is the date for the first Once they are dead. And then the same girl killed me at least twice more, and even a cat would take this fact lightly.

months I was now interested in Martha, though not demonstrated, or so I thought. But it happened at that very weekend that the fact became official. I was home on leave from the Thursday before Easter to Easter Monday, I remember, and I did not know how much alcohol would have filled my days those. The fact is that the girls were on vacation, and that meant going out together every night. Of course, until two o'clock. I picked up the ball and not have to waste time on Wednesday evening I took one of those blows as a result of wine which promises to become a teetotaler would fill several editions of the Treccani. I was so collapsed on the back of the machine of Julius and nothing around me gave impulse to my sense organs, when I experienced a moment of madness consciousness. I realized that the void around me had taken human life forms, and hardly realized that the driver's seat was just Giulio, alongside Mark, a friend of ours, while leaning against the open door and chatted Erika Mario. I had not yet clarified how they could be out of the door, as I was sure that the cars themselves falling into an infinite abyss at breakneck speed, when I realized that Mario had to be reached by little, because not translated effortlessly some guttural sounds that emitted in a greeting. Then I flashed an idea, most absurd dream, and I realized that I had read his mind. Guys, I've never been very down to earth. But this time I almost scared myself. And him. I looked at him intently. He had to know, I was sure. So, again I can not explain why, I asked only one thing to say. There was only one thing I wanted him to say, and asked him to put it. Just like that they had a universe with countless galaxies, and not afraid to say that denials are endless as long as someone does not have counted, infinite stars in each of which gave rise to countless star systems. It was all in my head, at that time. The Earth, with its billions of human beings belong to me. All thoughts, dreams and actions that every human being was doing, everything was in my head at that time. Or he could be there. But my thoughts were turned to Martha. And I asked Mario to say what I was thinking. And out of nowhere I hear his voice flowing now very clear and free of the influences guttural than before, which proves to all those galaxies, all stars, planet Earth and mankind. Just what he had said, in spite of the theory of probability. Do you like Martha. I was incredulous. I jumped on the seat of Julius, background. Still have to pay the damage. And I come out of sprint car, hug him and tell him so, that was what I meant. Unbelievable. Then it turns out that Julie and Erika also suspected him, and a stray dog \u200b\u200bwho was passing in the street told me it was obvious before becoming a white and blue balloon, at which point the wine had sent me KO.

had started the weekend longest in history, and I had not started much. On Thursday the girls studied, and so on Friday. I tried to bring me up to date with the university, and carry around my car in his spare time in the evening we met and everything was normal. Until Sunday, when Julie shows up with an sms. I hate texting, only bring news that, for good as they are, are deprived of their value by having to be reported in one hundred and sixty characters. Signature included. I have no idea how to say something in one hundred and sixty characters, but I have developed a truly unique insight. I hate texting, but they are a phenomenon when it comes to send them, along with common abbreviations and all.

That day, however, sms, wants the article because it is a message, you know, I came from Julie, and I felt that was going out for a picnic with Erika and Martha. Now, my home away from home of Julius approximately ten minutes by car, and I had also changed, as I was returning from a wrestling match with blankets. The phone's ringing me had just woken up. But output was four, and I quite liked this idea after all. I will not give useful information to make me go to jail, but that day in seven minutes after receiving the message I was under the house of Julius. I imagine that any camera could photograph the remnants of my tires on the asphalt.

So come in the house of Jules, we jumped into his car and go in a meadow. Two football pitches, her dog that breaks, and sit on a tablecloth. Marta and the other between bites mumbles something incomprehensible about the study of history, and innocently ask her explanations. A normal person does not speak of studying history in a meadow with some friends. I ask if I had misheard. She looks at me and says he wants to take the stories with me, that slang Turin goes something like an invitation to a cultural exchange between their larynx, in favor of a melting pot of oral secretions.

At that point, a leaf falling from a tree you deafened with the noise. I assure you, the silence that fell between us was that it did not seem possible. Probably lasted less than a second, because Martha did not give notice of to have noticed, but in that short time the devil had dug a hole under me, and I would have dropped into my guardian angel if he had not blown up with a cylinder of helium, except then pierce with a needle and let me fly a thousand miles away, a reaction driven by the leakage of gas. At that moment I saw clearly a flying saucer that rotated in my direction, I was sliced \u200b\u200band threw me to the starting position. Beelzebub was gone, but Marta's eyes were still on me. And my Erika and Julie behind her. I managed to say something sensible in a timely manner because they do not suspect anything, and apparently I could, I tried also to explore the question, but she did die with the same naturalness with which she had given birth. It was definitely a sign of disinterest, and this time my disappointment went up so high that they remain stuck in the wings of a plane passing through. The precipitoplano pulled me up before slamming the wings to break free, and I fell backwards, lying in a coffin lowered into a pit underneath a plaque with my name on it. When this is so, you can not admit that you're dead. Rightly moved by my funeral Erika and Julie dragged us out of there, after giving their last respects to my body.

He had got wind of something, Marta, and nobody had said anything. But for the first time he had made a reference to the issue I most cared about, not realizing what it meant to me. Doubts assailed me, but all dreams were quickly gunned down talking to Erika. I did not have a lot more strength after.

Once again the public in late, this time for health problems. Excuse me.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Numbers That People But In Their Status

Youth - Third Chapter (2)

I should start by saying that, in addition to the three girls mentioned, there were at least three or four other friends who gravitated to our group. The accounts were soon made, and on average we were to leave me, Julie and a variable number of four to six girls, as if this were not enough, did not even have a driver's license. The cars that resulted in flooding, and often even in full auto. It happened to go out with the machine of Julius, who, having a van, he could afford to carry illegally, a passenger and five people in the trunk. The harsh winter in that situation we did not care, and the fun was only minimally diminished by the pain that caught the camping in the box at every jolt. But we could not hope for anything more, and it was fine.

arrived one evening to go out with my machine. It was yet another fight between Erik and Julius, who once again had finally left, making the presence of Julius incompatible with our evening. I whistled in my ears while I was going to take the other girls in front of their school, where we met regularly, still not fully aware of what would happen. Took one look and told me clearly that I was the only living being driven and they were six girls not to leave the street. There was enough to go home and cancel the evening, wanting to be strong enough. But I've always been a tender heart, and soon we were on our way to the local normal. I, of course, occupy a comfortable driving position with close I do not remember who had sacrificed itself to occupy the place of the co-pilot. The way I drive, that was not the passenger seat, mind you. Then, in the crowded interior mirror, five hours smiling faces for a few hours moaning jerk is that I wished I could avoid all of us end up in trouble or the nearest emergency room. The chaos was final, and the evening, a man of six ladies, does not have an easy life to save her. At two invariably all in bed, and the best memory of those hours is the beer I could drink.

With this state of imbalance, with many girls and only two men, it was clear that something should change. And you can not say that I did not try to do something to avoid collapse. Several times I invited friends to hang out with us, but never with much conviction. After all how many can say they come out in a women's group so closely? No, I thought proudly. And no I still but with sympathy. I studied the situation weekend after weekend, and it seemed increasingly clear that it would not last, despite my hopes.

Yesterday I did not have time to publish, I have now remedied. As mentioned above, however, the first gate post, the oldest of three weeks.

Wednesday, June 7, 2006

Ga Legal Age Dirt Bike

Youth - Third Chapter

I was saying that the girls had started to go to school, but this was already next to the fact that I had gone back to work. At the time I was as a laborer in the afternoon, trying to use the free time to pursue university studies. To be honest I do not agree that much in such activity, and again I declined embarrassing compliments the inherent difficulty of my choice, but the fact remained that even that little effort involved in the study that I took away the hours in the group undertook its cementation. This, I added a certain resistance to participate with all my strength to the joint activities put me in a disadvantage to others. And so, in a few weeks, which I had created complicity stranger, and which I had to face every time I went out with them. I did not ever account of how, among members of the group, were woven ties superior to simple friendship, and often I used to be taken by surprise by sudden intimacy between my friends, but I did not care that much, I just try to get around in, the rest would follow.

When the girls started school, however, two factors significantly altered: their evenings out were reduced to Friday and Saturday night, returning home at two at the most, while the afternoon is almost completely nullified; Meanwhile, a subtle but autumn was making room for the shoulder, and there was much to hope to run my afternoons carefree and fun.

It happened almost by chance I met Julius in the vicinity of the school attended by them and we decided together to make a detour, as that was roughly hour interval. I knew well that he was seeking employment, a euphemism rather common among those who had nothing to do their time, and that was his habit to visit Erika during the interval. The temptation was great, love it launched. I found myself skipping several hours of courses at university I commit to live these simple ten-minute interval with them, even were that the center of a balanced life. It was not, although I seemed so obvious fact.

was made. My life, now, was launched in the range of ten in the morning, the afternoon's work and various nights out. I have no illusions that part of that change was not due to some interest that matured in me against Martha, but I was not ready yet to make official that interest, not so much what occurred before it reached deep within me as if on the other side of sentimentofono there was something. Weekend after weekend I found myself increasingly linked to parties that I seldom meet but whose sole purpose was gratified by the presence of those girls with whom the passage of time. Evenings I would do well to study better. The pace was more or less constant, I received a phone call, I went to take Marta and Arianna, we met Julie and Erika and went to dance. Shall be recorded Marta at home and Arianna, and stay with Julie and Erika and their quarreling, and we passed the time waiting for the sun comes. Maybe playing tennis ball with someone who in the meantime we had achieved. Now unforgettable, those of soccer tennis.

came the winter and cold, and often quarrel between Julie and Erika made angry, and I continued to live with them the range of lessons, but persisted at the same time to miss the one that tied complicity in a group where, as in terms of time, I was one of the most present. Always felt something deeper I was unable to attend, something the lack of which made me feel a foreign audience. So night after night grew my own doubts, when it was clear that my interest was not that Martha mine. The winter was short in May, when he finally realized what I had sensed for some time now.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Can You Get A Brazilian Wax With A Hemorrhoid

Youth - Chapter Two (2)

Slowly, then, were the holidays. I never could figure out how to do, but those bloody days the property had to be alive all year suddenly without giving me time to think about what to do and organize something. And so, also that year, in mid-July I saw at once that it had held no regard for August and that he was the only one without a goal. Just as it happened every year in July as the New Year's Eve. This fact was undeniably negative aspects, and I can not deny that there were occasions on which points to a likelihood of find myself having nothing to do immeasurable for days, but I knew with certainty that in the end I found the loophole last minute as always. Also that year a number of positive factors for me to change the program a friend of mine who had to fall back to a campsite where I aggregai willingly. Low fees, beautiful sea and three friends had a good view, and temporarily associai not fully coincide with the fact that in those days, Julius was camped right by the campsite; and not alone.

Still, after discovering this fact and to have known the company of Julius, there remains only marginally involved, limited to a few impromptu bonfire and a few words during some illegal but not very popular. My tent mates had their sights women in our camp and I adapted to this choice more than willingly, putting a minimum of energy so as not to ruin my vacation on the one hand, designed as a momentary relaxation from any type of stress the life of every day, but avoid turning into a tedious isolation.

The fact was that after that experience partially shared with the group without insistence seemed moderately invade the land in which I lived, I felt pushed, back home, trying to find out more about them. So I found myself going out with Julie and insistence with less than a dozen of people I saw in camp, establishing a friendship with them at various stages. The evenings, focusing on alcohol, marijuana and a fair use of many words more or less deep, and brought into oblivion even in August and the summer between output and the other was dying.

The school began and the girls, who by then had become three, returned to the benches. Were proliferated were became three. Erika, the girl of Julius, had become his girlfriend in an indefinite time and were based on the day and time friends, lovers or strangers. Marta's friend Erika who I met on the parade, with a beer in hand and few details of his appearance that I could really keep in mind. Arianna And finally, the encounter with which he had been one occasion that deserves to have a space all to itself.

I have already mentioned as the bonfires on the beach, which were daily, as to our lack of participation. But our goals led to a balanced lifestyle over a period of sunny day at the expense of that night in Morfeo slain tribal gurgling in the dark. It happened, however, that sometimes the fire come to life soon enough, or that we were still quite active, that we can live out at least the beginning. Even on those occasions the subjects were alcohol and cannabis, with the addition of rhythm of bongos which were easy to hold on me. Moreover I had always been drawn to the rhythm, and I was pleasantly introduced to these rituals.

was returning from one of these evenings, just as the beacon for others came alive, a figure that crossed directly if I had just forsaken Giulio. I was an uphill struggle against a veteran of the Jack Daniel, the final had to lay the hopes of seeing empty victory to the very bowels of my ability drinker, and I would have gladly traded my firstborn future with the halving of road that separated me from my tent. Least I wanted to talk to someone, let alone make new friends. Looking back probably would not have even been able to recognize my image in the mirror. But it did not matter, because before my eyes there was only one strip of shoreline that was my only hope of not losing their way home and a picture of my sleeping bag that opened in front of me and I devoured , image through which minute by minute I found the strength to carry the left foot back a little further the other, alternately frustrating the hopes of winning each leg over the other. Or those of the goddess on my mower.

was during this harrowing journey that at some point I had to revise my chance of survival, and for a moment I considered lost me. All of a sudden the shore had disappeared into the void, and darkness of the blackest total enveloped me. There was no more left, right, top bottom back and forth. Black only. I screamed, but the shots of the outstanding Mr. Daniel made her feel in my stomach and I took away most of my volitional faculties. Only after a pause of terror I found enough strength in me to turn around back and see the fire burning with joy. In the end I was not blind, and that was something. But I still did not know who had stolen the shore, and the place of my sleeping bag would soon be able to devour the bisontoiene. I would have cried if it were not for a voice behind me. Or better, behind me, yes, but in front of my toes, because I was still turned to the bonfire. I realized that it was hardly a female voice, and I guessed that the succession of syllables should be so familiar as the sound composition with which my mother had first identified anagrafe. The fact that it was my name at that moment I was rather obscure. With excruciating slowness barely grabbed two other names, including Giulio which was a clear reference tone was querulous and complement in place involving the bonfire. Nothing more I could do. I completed the quantity of fantasy, nitrite, a "yes" and like magic, the surf was again in front of me, and something unidentified receded behind me. I wanted to check, but you should never take chances with the bisontoiene, straight and pulled on my way. Suddenly, however, instead of my sleeping bag to devour me was my mother. I wondered if I should worry.

was, of course, Arianna, as later I found out through sub-urban legends that I caught by Julius. Apparently I remembered was not all that had happened that night, but I consoled myself knowing that no one knew how I had come in a tent, just as I did not know. And do not even know what had become of the bisontoiena. But my mother on the phone reassured me about the fact that he has never tried to eat me, and so the summer went on.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Ringworm After Dies, Skin Heals

Welcome / Wellcome

Welcome to my personal space.
My only purpose is to publish some of my writings, little by little, with (hopefully) a weekly basis.
will like to have many readers, but also many opinions.
Reviews on style, on the plot, and tips on how to improve especially the first. I hope you will be delighted
in reading.

PS.: The stories are kept online for 3 weeks and then removed.