Monday, January 17, 2011

Ottawa Sausage Stuffer

What Mirafiori have prevailed in the referendum 'yes' there is no doubt, or almost. But it is legitimate, by the person who has sided with Marchionne and Fiat, talk of victory? I think not.
However, before describing the discussion of the issue, I would like to clarify: I do not support either the FIOM nor Marchionne, I supported the workers (in the first place the workers of the assembly that in their fifties suffer from tendonitis and back pain), everyone, including non-unionized and those that have not even participated in the referendum.
In recent weeks, because of the bad political climate and the attitudes taken by the government, culminating in the statements of Mr Berlusconi in Berlin ("If the no wins, Fiat is right to leave Italy "), anyone who has deployed in defense of the first article of the Constitution and the Statute of the workers was attacked as" backward "," opposed to change, "" incapable of adapting to global change "and so insulting, in a crescendo of attacks and nastiness.
What in the world is in a process of globalization compels us to deal with new challenges, quite different from those of the past, not to explain certain venircelo Marchionne, though it is a globe-trotting expert on various continents.
The real dilemma is how to deal with in this process - you put the soul Peace in the skeptics - is unstoppable. We want to govern or be crushed? We want to be actors or become slaves?
These are the points on which I wish you dibattesse more hot days of the dispute, these are the thoughts that led me to issue an adverse opinion on the agreement signed by all the unions except the FIOM and COBAS.
has written about "Europe" the former Labour Minister Cesare Damiano: "The new standard, set by Fiat with threatening to hijack foreign investment announced for Mirafiori, operates an unacceptable change in the rules of representation. It is a political mistake very considerable, is intended to backfire in the future against the same company. "
To the pioneers of the reformist model Marchionne, I point out some aspects that may not have thought.
First, a business, especially big and important as the FIAT, can not be competitive if its employees do not feel sufficiently involved in decision making.
is not an economic concept is a simple psychological principle: if you do not satisfy you, you do not care and actually do it reluctantly and painfully, if you can not help it, do it anyway, but you never will with the same enthusiasm, the same application and, above all, obtaining the same results you would get if you felt satisfied by your work.
Who says that the human aspect, in the era of globalization, was despised and should put in the attic, I recommend you read this explanation on the limits of work in the early decades of the twentieth century.
"The problems of Taylorism and Fordism are not limited, however, the need for expensive installations. Taylorism and Fordism have been called by some sociologists of the systems of low expectations. The tasks are determined by the direction and adapted to the machines. Workers are closely supervised and have little autonomy of action. To maintain discipline and ensure production standards, employees are constantly monitored by surveillance systems of various kinds. This constant supervision, however, produces a result opposite to that expected in terms of commitment of workers, who feel disaffected and without a say about the work and its conduct. Where there are many tasks to lower expectations, the level of dissatisfaction and absenteeism of workers is high, the frequent industrial conflict.
systems with high expectations are those in which workers are left quite free to check the progress, and the content of work, within certain established guidelines. Industrial organizations in these positions are concentrated usually at senior levels. In recent decades the systems with high expectations have become more common in many contexts, transforming the way we conceive of the organization and execution of work ".
The author of this reflection is not a dangerous "red subversive" of FIOM, but Anthony Giddens, one of the fathers of modern sociology, and political scientist and principal author of the "Third Way" of Tony Blair.
should emphasize this to make it clear to everyone that the progressive reform can not ignore the rights of workers, and when it comes to change, you must look in towards improving the conditions of life and work of the weaker social classes.
Marchionne model four years ago was truly progressive and had the full support of all the reformers. The current model Marchionne look back to Taylorism and Fordism, an impossible working environment in our society, restoring a failed system and rejected by history after decades of union struggles and democratic gains, it costs a high price in many cases to those who have fought for those ideals.
At this point, however, the obvious conclusion is more bitter because Marchionne has changed course? What happened in the meantime? It's all blame the economic crisis? No, the economic crisis is an "evergreen" that moves to all, a useful umbrella policy to cover any wrong (whether industrial or economic minister Tremonti true?) But unable to justify the presence of more careful analysis.
Marchionne The reason why we could afford this "blackmail" is that the true reformers in the government have been replaced by an ultra-conservative right that has nothing to do with European-style liberal right.
If it were not to cry and be ashamed, it was almost laughable to see Berlusconi next to Merkel: on the one hand, a "bon vivant" who never misses an opportunity - Even abroad, but particularly abroad - to take care of his personal issues, beginning with the "perfidious Komunità judges" who haunt the other, a lady who, when Marchionne wanted to buy the OPEL bid spoiled with by heavy social costs, he said "no thanks" and send him back to Italy.
Merkel knows well, despite being a woman right, you can not govern well going against its own citizens, against their employees in case of a company, against those whose inseparable fate binds you, because if you go to the bottom you, go to fund them well but if they stop producing, you'd be a person and over, since in the case of Fiat, would be well over your country.
Because, like it or not Marchionne, FIAT means Fabbrica Automobili Torino Italian, and without the FIAT, Turin, Rome would be like without the House and Senate without such as Milan and the Milan Stock Exchange.
has, unfortunately, because the choice of Marchionne who defines a "quantum shift" in industrial relations and industrial relations. It is the mirror of this Italy mitridatizzata now used (or perhaps resigned) to the continuous succession of blackmail, poisonous miasma of every type, so one more or one less is not more difference.
The front of the "yes" claiming victory, the government supporter joins the chorus of jubilation. Everything looks normal, as before, better than before, but it is not. A
Mirafiori we lost everything and everyone has lost democracy, he lost a century of rights laboriously obtained following the harsh battles, they lost the trade unions that signed the agreement, because once this model became established, they must accept it everywhere , where he also will not agree, even if it turn against its own members, has lost FIAT, because Germany has shown that these behaviors are not very accepted abroad, lost to Italy, because this when it can no longer considering "a democratic republic founded on work."


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