Monday, January 3, 2011

Kamenstein Spice Rack Replacement


The rejection of Brazil extradition of Cesare Battisti , terrorist and murderer overt and never regretted it, is a serious decision and deeply flawed and is the latest in a series of removes stains caused by Italy on the international scene in the last thirty months, beyond the bombast of the Knight - he says - restrained the war between Russia and Georgia, contributed to "reset" of relations between Washington and Moscow, persuaded Turkey to accept the former Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen head of NATO and away match. In fact, concrete, the Italian foreign policy has little to show from 2008 to present, with some nice pictures of Mr B with the Department of Earth "stolen" in some downtime Summit: The Prime Minister, the latter must be recognized, is skilled in fit into the circle right at the time of the shot that counts, the G8 or G20 or any other international forums, such as relapsed out of time in reaching a summit, blocked the doorway with a phone call indispensable (at least it happened mid-November, in Lisbon, when the wrath of not too deadly Mara Carfagna did arrive late for the meeting of leaders of the Atlantic).
Leave aside the embarrassment of Wikileaks, at least those "gossip-style" because there Berlusconi is in a solid and broad company. And even pull a cross over the litany of kisses and hugs to dictators and oligarchs, Russian Vladimir Putin the Libyan Muammar Gaddafi , through the pre-and post-Soviet states - which are equal - Aleksander Lukashenko, Belarus, and Nursultan Nazarbayev, Kazakhstan (but there's a bit of a contradiction to the praise of these two democratic Stalinist pure products, when you hit home with the anathema 'communists' opponents that can boast the most experience as children left the oratory?).
The problem is not how little Italy accounts not in the World, which, after all, we may as well be: we are not a big country in terms of population and we are not among the very first in terms of wealth or absolute or per capita; do not sit permanently in the UN Security Council and we have not - is an old story - a spotless record in terms of international credibility, although we have never failed so far to the Atlantic and European loyalties. The measure of the lack of weight of Italy gives it just the EU, where we also have every reason to hear us-large: the size, the economy, being the core founder. And instead, racing to the places that matter of the EU Treaty of Lisbon, Italy did not have ever made. Pointing to the presidency of the European Parliament, which - mind you - has never had since the Assembly is elected by universal suffrage, that is, since 1979, 31 years and 13 presidents ago, because there are two to term, but the group of EPP, just what part of the PDL of the premier, preferred to the Pole Jerzy Bozek the most worthy candidate Italian Mario Mauro .
He then tried, with little conviction and a lot of awkwardness, to obtain Massimo D'Alema for the post of European foreign minister, taking the game by the Socialists, the place where it was and they had another candidate. And, finally, was excluded from all the places that matter of the new European diplomacy managed by Lady Ashton, who has no Italian in his 'inner circle' and that he sent Italian ambassadors in Albania, where we certainly need count more than what we already have, and Uganda, where, however, does not count. And when, recently, an Italian won a prestigious assignment - John Kessler was appointed to guide the decision of the European anti-corruption seemed to almost meet the law of retaliation: to put the fight against corruption in the hands of an Italian, in the days when confidence in government, in Rome, revolved around the sale of a handful of votes.
The lack of credibility Italy Berlusconi detrimental to the best candidates. The Bank of Italy governor Mario Draghi has what it takes to aspire to leadership of the European Central Bank, but it is not at all sure of being able to succeed Jean-Claude Trichet (and not just because Germany is the place). It is not just a matter of seating: the story of the European patent, where Italy has made her slam behind the blackboard in class Europe, scorned even by Great Britain, demonstrates an embarrassing inability to build alliances and relationships to sew. The next time you see Sarkozy, Merkel or , Mr. B, rather than tell jokes or make them cuckoo, try to share with them a strategy and objectives.


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