Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wooden Swing Sets Ottawa

Can 'be an alternative to Berlusconi?

Educated at the verb Giuliano Ferrara (which soon we will have the misfortune to see perform and deliver rambling space that was Enzo TV Biagi), Berlusconi trial now to stem the vertical fall of the consensus that certifies the decline in returns with all the fury and violence in the ancient litany report possible anti-upon which he built his political fortune nearly two decades. However, there is repetition of the ramshackle refrain, something that unites the grotesquely surreal invective shouted from the stage last Saturday by the premier of "progressive Christians" (sic), at a meeting in which Gaddafi has told his followers to exterminate "Who does not love him." Farce in the first case, a tragedy in the second, but identical, desperate result of a paranoid delusion that we have seen often occur nel crepuscolo – quasi sempre drammatico – dei dittatori.
Berlusconi appartiene, senza ombra di dubbio, a questa specie, purtroppo non estranea alla biografia della nazione. E, al pari di tutti i dittatori, non trascurerà mezzo alcuno per restare in sella, qualunque prezzo debba pagare il Paese. Così, sabato, abbiamo visto e udito il sultano, livido e in preda ad una compulsiva autoesaltazione, arringare la platea contro le coppie gay e giurare che – lui regnante – mai esse potranno essere assimilate ad una “normale” famiglia e che mai esse potranno sperare di avere bambini in adozione. Poi l’abbiamo visto scagliarsi contro la scuola pubblica, che “inculca” valori unrelated to those that the police cheering families by Tea-party defendants the opportunity to consider appropriate for their children.
short, the man of many charges against (from corruption to tax evasion, from extortion to child prostitution), the inventor of the bunga-bunga sauce Italian, who has exhausted the country and put in a cul de sac a generation, the protagonist of burglary has devastated the constitutional institutions and the rule of law, an accomplice of the most frenzied attack on the rights of the work that you remember from the fascist, who has incorporated into its system of alliances and fully represented, as no in modern Europe, the Right more extreme, now stands in a trench moral champion of un'eticità hypocritical and fraudulent.
Will to believe once again the majority of this weakened Italy and in greater part a prisoner of a spell that seems to have no end?
The answer, as is evident, can not be delivered to a parliament whose majority, a prisoner of money and appanages which was purchased and established, will remain clinging to the liege lord and his command, whatever it is until the end . Even the last wisps that have crossed the building make us informed - if there ever was a doubt - that is those parties that it is be expected palingenesis impossible. It 's time to figure it out: once gangrene has deeply penetrated the vessels and tissues can only be amputated. And then, or the people is in itself the resources, political and moral, to do it, or it is surely contaminated and overwhelmed.
My opinion is that we are exactly at this point. If the sultan at the height of his infamous dish, should be able to claim as a virtue what is recognized as an index of vice and corruption, if it were possible to replicate the sleight of hand which has succeeded in obscuring the consciousness of social strata that have nothing to gain from him and his corrupt clique, and if, in Essentially, Berlusconi could right now to "straddle" the crisis, the country and we all run the risk of an even more profound degeneration authoritarian, impossible in a Europe in decline and crisis of identity politics. We're slipping
- day after day - along a ridge at the end of constitutional democracy which there is no longer even the weaker tracks. It will not be enough to halt the fall, television appearances, this claim more than that of an opposition media was outraged, but no longer has teeth to bite. Let's face it, once and for all: it is a fatal mistake to believe that there could be some sentence court to close terms with the caudillo and the illusion that the shortcut court, any penalty, may substitute for the role and function of politics.
There are times when you need to take risks, and take responsibility to inspire a surge of democracy, pointing the way for a revolt that has the political nature and extent of social breakdown. Or find the courage, or wrappers, you no way out.
The question of the general strike should be read in exactly this perspective. If everything is resolved in the celebration of a tired ritual, officiated to shake off an embarrassing indictment of inertia, it would be useless. A date can be thrown further than would the impact force of a train parked on a siding. The strike is needed to be together instead trigger expression of a general upheaval of society, such as start up and unite all forces, subjectivities, the movements that oppose all'imbarbarimento present: work, the precarious generation, women, migrants, those fighting to defend them from the commons to commodification and those who do not resign themselves to modern forms of slavery.
No longer, therefore, a snapshot of a protest which is equipped for a day and then flows back, no longer a point and loose with no common denominator, but a veritable siege of power, while questioning the state of existing things, sets the agenda of another policy for another country.


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