Thursday, March 17, 2011

How To Clean G Shock White

Bignami A small flag

Today we celebrate the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy. I realized that's been some time since I studied these things, so I enjoyed a brief recovery Bignami that summarizing the main points of this process. The birth of our country was not exactly the thing that the partisan propaganda and Garibaldi would pass. In fact it was not popular action, but driven by small elites, often for extra clerical and national interests, but the story needs a lot of time before it is rewritten ocn more adherence to the truth. For now be satisfied and, after all, living in Italy, who taught civilization the world all that is beautiful, great and noble.
pre-Unification Italy

In eighteen hundred, Italy was divided into many small states: the Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia, the Kingdom of Sardinia, the Papal States and the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, the Duchies of Modena, Massa Carrara, Lucca and Parma, the Grand Duchy of Tuscany. Already there was the idea of \u200b\u200bItaly, an idea based on the same language, culture and religion but organized into smaller states and varied.
All these states, except for the Kingdom of Sardinia was ruled by King Vittorio Emanuele I, were subjected to Austria.

The resurgence and secret societies

I n this climate began Risorgimento, which is the period in which some intellectuals and affiliated with determinatte apppartenenze gave rise to initiatives to its reunification. These activities were mostly focused on the ideas circulating within secret societies, which acted in collaboration with international powers, and began to coordinate and guide the action of the patriots. The main secret societies were the Carbonari and Freemasonry . Conduct their activities in the shade to prevent the Austrians interfered with their projects. Among the patriots who pledged themselves in the Risorgimento period are mentioned in particular Pellico , the writer of "My Prisons ," the story of the period in which he was taken prisoner by the Austrians and Giuseppe Mazzini who founded the Young Italy while in exile in Spain, Italy, which called for an independent and Republican Joseph Garbaldi, which had become internationally famous for a revolutionary expedition of a thousand.

The revolutionary movements and the three wars of independence

The unification was not a peaceful process, but the consequence of the revolutions, that the battles against those who had seen as oppressor. But the riots were not enough, because there was not always the full cooperation of the citizens of the various Italian states and took three wars of Independence to achieve the unification of Italy.
The first war of independence broke out in 1848, the King of Sardinia, Carlo Alberto , at the request of the patriots Lombardi declared war on Austria, initially victorious was then defeated and had to leave the kingdom to his son Vittorio Emanuele II .
War of Independence broke out in 1859 and had as a result of the intervention on Lombardy and Sicily. The occupation of Sicily took place with the action of Giuseppe Garibaldi who had assembled a small army under British protection. The action is remembered as the "Expedition of the Thousand . "In 1861 it was declared capital of the kingdom of Italy with Torino.
But the project was not yet complete: missing the Veneto and Lazio. By the third war of Independence the Veneto was annexed. In 1871 the sharpshooters arrived in Rome and occupied the city . By moving the capital to Rome was thus completed the process of Unit .


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