Thursday, March 17, 2011

How To Clean G Shock White

Bignami A small flag

Today we celebrate the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy. I realized that's been some time since I studied these things, so I enjoyed a brief recovery Bignami that summarizing the main points of this process. The birth of our country was not exactly the thing that the partisan propaganda and Garibaldi would pass. In fact it was not popular action, but driven by small elites, often for extra clerical and national interests, but the story needs a lot of time before it is rewritten ocn more adherence to the truth. For now be satisfied and, after all, living in Italy, who taught civilization the world all that is beautiful, great and noble.
pre-Unification Italy

In eighteen hundred, Italy was divided into many small states: the Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia, the Kingdom of Sardinia, the Papal States and the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, the Duchies of Modena, Massa Carrara, Lucca and Parma, the Grand Duchy of Tuscany. Already there was the idea of \u200b\u200bItaly, an idea based on the same language, culture and religion but organized into smaller states and varied.
All these states, except for the Kingdom of Sardinia was ruled by King Vittorio Emanuele I, were subjected to Austria.

The resurgence and secret societies

I n this climate began Risorgimento, which is the period in which some intellectuals and affiliated with determinatte apppartenenze gave rise to initiatives to its reunification. These activities were mostly focused on the ideas circulating within secret societies, which acted in collaboration with international powers, and began to coordinate and guide the action of the patriots. The main secret societies were the Carbonari and Freemasonry . Conduct their activities in the shade to prevent the Austrians interfered with their projects. Among the patriots who pledged themselves in the Risorgimento period are mentioned in particular Pellico , the writer of "My Prisons ," the story of the period in which he was taken prisoner by the Austrians and Giuseppe Mazzini who founded the Young Italy while in exile in Spain, Italy, which called for an independent and Republican Joseph Garbaldi, which had become internationally famous for a revolutionary expedition of a thousand.

The revolutionary movements and the three wars of independence

The unification was not a peaceful process, but the consequence of the revolutions, that the battles against those who had seen as oppressor. But the riots were not enough, because there was not always the full cooperation of the citizens of the various Italian states and took three wars of Independence to achieve the unification of Italy.
The first war of independence broke out in 1848, the King of Sardinia, Carlo Alberto , at the request of the patriots Lombardi declared war on Austria, initially victorious was then defeated and had to leave the kingdom to his son Vittorio Emanuele II .
War of Independence broke out in 1859 and had as a result of the intervention on Lombardy and Sicily. The occupation of Sicily took place with the action of Giuseppe Garibaldi who had assembled a small army under British protection. The action is remembered as the "Expedition of the Thousand . "In 1861 it was declared capital of the kingdom of Italy with Torino.
But the project was not yet complete: missing the Veneto and Lazio. By the third war of Independence the Veneto was annexed. In 1871 the sharpshooters arrived in Rome and occupied the city . By moving the capital to Rome was thus completed the process of Unit .

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Certificate Of Liability Insurance Free

Romana sank the bell with a beautiful Hello!

Romana 5-0 Campanelle

take this opportunity to say hello to a good person who left us: ANGELO Monzon.


Some photos and video of the match and then report cards!

teams in the midfield ...

the bench laughing and joking before the kick start ....

- The Communists today ....

-Italian Hymn .....

-Innnoooooooooooo .... smiles and hand over his heart!

Romana 5-0 Campanelle

The transcripts of Telespallangelo

embattled : vote 5 - . First game as a starter since perhaps only with the bell. Great pre-game warm Sideshow. Too focused on the fact the first goal, made a bad name appears on a free kick kicked at a speed of 3km / h dives in late and then he complains that the gloves were punctured. In other 4 goal has not received a lot of guilt. Massimo Taibi

Pedicchio : vote 5. not play a better game, unfortunately, often forced to climb the marking leave the man alone. However, always try in every way to block attacks opponents with great personality. At the end of game disappointed as the team goes to Liverpool to celebrate! You'll never walk alone

Weiss : vote 5. . Play for free at the back of Patron. Starts pretty well, then a few too smooth and the consistency of opponents in his area of \u200b\u200bexpertise make it a crisis. Despite the huge disadvantage of not giving up. madman

Patron : 5.5 vote. The only one who will save the team. Play an important role in his ... in marking. Well the first time to give up very little space attacker opponent. Head of the goals of the 2-0 because it goes out prematurely slipped in vacuum. The third goal is the end of Zeccone that says: not the left. In fact, goal crossing to remove the spider web. However great personality in that position. Polyvalent

Fedele : 4 vote. . In marking the man is not bad. A great responsibility to leave the team captain in 10 men with a blind man, a clown, 3 dancers, and a prisoner, the result of 1-0 and still 35 minutes left to play. Even if he was right not protest with the referee. Islands Faroe

Vivona : v oto 4.5. bad game. Often late opponent. It is often sacrificed in defense to help the team, but with poor results. Responsible the goal of the game because it takes 3-0 man (offside), then chased him and stop waiting for the release of the goalkeeper. Exit replaced by Krecich. masochistic

Pieri : vote 5. Good man, wrong game. Moves the barrier on the 1-0 goal, even if the shooting was slow. More head, not just legs. October 3, 1989 - the fall of the Berlin Wall

Greek : vote 5. Good punishment on the result of 0-0, but the shot was pretty remote and the goalkeeper makes a good guard. Rest of the game takes so much effort, but the results are not seen. apple

Zeccone : vote 5. owner after about 2 months. On the left wing attempt to set the maneuver, but does not do much. So much grit, too nervous (for mourning) ends the game with opponents trying to blow off steam on intervention to the limit. This is not the way to sfogarsi.Viene replaced by Castaldo. Commando

Ferluga : vote 5. Second striker behind Covacevich. Bravo and especially lucky to win free kicks for the team to breathe. Beating a free kick from the edge maybe diverted by hand from the barrier. Unfortunately he also surrenders when he realizes that miracles do not know at Bells. San Crispino

Covacevich : vote 5. . Lone striker role in the field. Too much only. Try to worry the goalkeeper, kicking back to the door. Rest helps sometimes in defense and the second time watching the debacle. Spectator non paying

Krecich : sv Log in and score. Unfortunately, in the wrong door. Replaces Vivona, play defense. A presence in training week. The only thing that is the unfortunate combination of self-goal head (grade 10 marks for the goal). Riccardo Ferri

Castaldo : sv Log 10 minutes from the end result of 5-0. A nice side the only thing worthy of note. Her face reflects the performance of the team. La Gioconda

Di Sciacca : vote 8 . It looks yellow to the game and without the only good eye!

calm and smiling on the bench because he can not do anything else. Train embattled heating with enthusiasm. Ridgemont

Ardizzon: 5 vote. What can I say. Begins in the locker room with a good speech, if we so much disunity and wrong, we take a boat. So it was. Although the team has not given up at least until the outcome of 3-0. Then nothing. With three absences due to suspension tries to put for cover, but men are not available to many. Very disappointed, disappointed the coach. moralizing

Demetrius: vote 6 .5. the bench to discuss with Krecich on those evenings spent at the Colonial who Hippodrome. Years (883)

Diego : vote 7 . Usual pre-game with shots on goal. Then during the game is called multiple times by the referee when a player is injured, but each time it is returned to the bench because the player gets up again. For the rest of the usual expletives. parcel

Ciccio : vote 7 . Quiet on the band with his flag. Then when it starts to rain no more moves. Darkened glasses and hair stand upwards. Drenched

Referee : vote 6.5. Fixed to the end. Perhaps prematurely sends Faithful in the locker room, but even if he tried. For the rest, always attentive and close to the action. Maybe you have one so every Sunday. Helped also by the slow pace and ease of the game. Designation

Other votes

Campanelle : 4 vote. now there are few words to spend on this team that seems to have hit bottom. We hope that with the fall in the category of disqualified you succeed with much heart and determination to finish games and league head-on. impasse

Giovannini vote 6. 5 . He does not know which way to turn our Giova. Search to wake up his friends and players with a few words, but unfortunately in vain. But he tries. Devoto

Giorgi vote 6. 5. Watching that game from the President in the stands with an umbrella in the rain, it was not in his intentions. End of the game when asked the outcome of the match in the Rome derby against Lazio. The answer is: I was not listening to the radio ...... still wins 2-0. Gaucci

Caputo: vote 6. Little news of his presence in the gallery. It can be seen next to the picture of George. Does not behave like a true President. Should be encouraged her. We look forward to a speech of encouragement to not throw the air that made good so far .... very little! Mahmud Ahmadinejad

Mengaziol: votes 7. in the stands supporting the team after a Saturday spent in that village of Segnacco dispersed in the countryside in the name of Friulian alcooooooooool. At the end game does not know what to say ... and we drink above. nail nail crushes

Roberti: votes 7. other player suspended in the gallery. Great hair worn as a player ... we hope he has for much longer. An applause for coming. Shows seriousness and devotion. Nicola Berti

Roberts (dad): votes 7. strong supporter of the team in both home and away armed as usual with a few drinks in hand . Mulled wine

Jade and Nina: votes 7. Fine Jade says playing a captain, "go start the car because he was not stopped." Cruella De Vil (Jade) ; Chihuahua (Nina)

Roberta and friend: rating 7 for Roberta to smile and to request the vote (which communque would not be changed). Rated 6.5 for the girlfriend (Jade) after the news reached the age congratulations! The vote is because I have not had the honor to meet you. Thelma and Louise

Perlangeli: grade 2. Absent in the gallery. They say he was wrong and went into the field of Fincantieri. Mah Seriously ... not received. Spam

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Last night I discovered the MOX. And above all, that the notorious "central third generation" , those who tell us taanto safe, they are often fed to MOX. Look what it says third generation of power plants in magazines:
The target in terms of safety for these reactors is 10 ^ 8-years without accidents with serious damage to the reactor core, in other words a reactor built at the time of the disappearance of the dinosaurs, in theory, would less than 50% chance of being subject to a fault severe as to cause an environmental disaster.
short, a central MOX would escape from the disasters of the middle Jurassic to present. Instead the ballasts in the central Japanese lasted less than a year after his conversion .
At this point, I think we have a serious, very serious problem of information . And when I say very serious, I mean that it is in our own lives.
When the Chernobyl disaster happened, everyone was quick to claim that because of Soviet secrecy , the Communist dictatorship that held the people in the dark, uncaring attitude of the Russian did not even bother to warn the neighbors . If it were not been for the Swedes who took over the radiation, nor the world would know nothing.
Well, I do not think that on balance all the others are behaving much better than the Bolsheviks. The Japanese government is showing us very well how would any government in the world in the event of a nuclear accident. Any government, regardless of the color and the degree of democracy : silent, confused, minimize, divert , let it leak out with the dropper. Yet they would be required, both for its citizens already exhausted and decimated by an earthquake and a tsunami of biblical proportions, both for the inhabitants of the rest of the planet, to clarify and show the situation for what it is. Instead, secrets and lies.
No one wants to touch these damn plants, including printing. E ' understandable that a good part of the journalists you are giving a stampede (including some sent to the RAI), but those who remain under a duty to try to find out more. Instead not only leaked a damn, but I can not even understand how the hell are these plants made and what difference there is between the first reactor, the reactor 3 and the other reactors that are creating problems in Japan. A graficuccio a mappina, two doodles?
Finally, "experts" . E ' funny how when it comes to nuclear power, all invoke "experts" think that you have no right to express an opinion without at least boast a degree in physics or engineering. Then, you turn on the TV and listen to some of these scientists speak omissions, propaganda, silencing problems and major innovations enhance safety. As, until yesterday evening, the magnificent "central third generation" who go to MOX. Add this word, MOX, I had to be an expert just because they never even deigned to mention it once.
At this point it is necessary the conclusion of the citizen. Since no You can expect someone to tell us the truth about these plants, as any information on nuclear power is treated as war propaganda is that democratic governments in the press that by leading scientists, we can only say NO. Because we are not empowered to make judgments based on credible facts.
And because we can not entrust our lives , like lemmings and blindly, for a bunch of liars.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

How To Tell If Tongue Ring Is Too Small

Event Hall IV

Along with fellow psychologist Amber Filippelli we organized a meeting with the citizens on a topical theme, the proximity to children in situations of conflict and separation of couples. Psychoeducational The event will be held on 8 April at 16.30 in a room provided by Messac IV Municipality of Rome, in the district Talent.
We are sure to make a useful service to those who, in a difficult time in their lives, it raises crucial questions on the protection of children, passive protagonists of the crisis in their household.
ask all to give maximum diffusion and promote the participation of many parents. Thanks.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Linemmen Football Cleats

Aiello A cynical comeback and then beat a pliable Bells! POLL OF THE RINGS SUPER

Campanelle 1-2 Aiello

Networks: Covacevich

Below are some photos and then the super school reports!

disasters of Bora-I also Aurisina!

- Checco Zalone in art Weiss
Ti-ga hard cock?? Ah ah
-Mistero: perché D'orso guarda in alto e la palla è davanti???

- Ciccio recupera i palloni

- Grande uscita con palla al piede di Roby...

- Che concentrazione per i ragazzi!!!

- Cova goal e dedica
D-bear 'guitar!

- Penalty saved by Bear


The transcripts of Telespallangelo

Networks: Covacevich

bear : vote 6 . His game has two faces. At a very well because para a penalty on the outcome of 1-0 for the bell. Bells Parade that they saw in the days of Neville Betola in 1400. In the second half after the goal of a balanced opponent, you invent a stop to his chest, a back pass involuntary Pieri. Search you hold the ball with the Bora, but the ball eluded him giving the corner. On the consequent will be the winning goal for Aiello. Rene Higuita

Fedele : vote 5. Foul resulting penalty kick for the guests, then neutralized by the bear. Does some good things on the roof. In the second half every ball that comes his side kicks on the fly along quite by chance. Is not new to this game. Fireworks

Weiss : vote 5. play its role in marking and does quite well. Sore usual sull'attaccante knee sometimes limps. Fouls when needed. Weighs its error goal of the tie. Peter Gambadilegno

Roberti : vote 6 . Beware played a good game overall. Often in trouble, comes from good defense and with head held high ball and chain. The role of leisure in the defense is good, although I prefer to sort balls in midfield. You lose the man on the goal of a balanced opponent. It takes a warning for a deduction, will miss the next game. Franco Baresi

Pedicchio : vote 6. often embarrassed by the opponent takes it hard and not let go. Good restarts and actions on the group since it combines Ferluga not a right. Ends the game with a sore gammba. Garibaldi

Vivona : vote 5. right wing of competence. Try it in any way to limit the damage. Slow and clumsy for the role it plays. On the handball of Faithful, lost ball on the edge of his area. Replaced Zeccone out for 10 minutes remaining. Ippo Thomas

Greek : vote 5. touched a few balls in midfield. Once its action starts the fast break. Opponents most talented and well trained and always above it vanish. But with more effort can be more daring. Did you know that the poppies are high high high and you're little what we want to!

Pieri : vote 6 -. Almost enough his game. Second game with the bell and the owner immediately. Plays well in marking the opponent's playmaker. Do not go for the slim that recovers the ball out of play often sends them ..... but we are at Bells! anti

Ferluga : vote 5. swollen face and tired eyes. The ball always comes late, "for the third or fourth." At least we tried, but to play the games you have to be relaxed and focused. Medal value

Covacevich : vote 6 +. The best of her. Goal and dedication to a friend on the bench (Telespallangelo). He has more than one occasion to the goal that would have killed the game, but perhaps the lack of concentration, he does make mistakes. Zero line with his fellow department, but the fault is not his. Bullet blank

Perlangeli : vote 5 -. disturbing his performance. Palo struck from 35 yards with treiettoria the ball to go out, it was a nice goal, but there was only Covacevich area. He seems to want at all costs to solve the game alone or do "goal of Sunday." Gestures of disapproval to a companion who verbally scolded. It hurts on two occasions, and it is unclear if he can continue the game or not, and perhaps not even understand him. Sometimes you have to remember that football is a team game. Joke

Zezzone : sv After 2 weeks of absence from the bench it also revises the turf Aurisina, but unfortunately for him, too little. Little Red Riding Hood

Castaldo : votes 7. shudders to play, because Perlangeli is injured. In the second half runs on the band to warm our feet, hoping to be ready for a possible change that does not come ... and who knows if he comes. Enigma

Mengaziol : 6.5 vote. bench before the season because it was disqualified and his physical condition was still precarious. Just get on the bench reminds everyone: "seriously guys, all silent, he speaks only the coach." Right phrase, but when he is reminded that there is serious when it comes to games with shopping carts under the eyes and face swollen like a boxer at the "50th recovery", it weakens and begins to encourage mates in the field. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

embattled : vote 7 . He knows he is number 12 and is also mentioned in the locker room. Argumentative with Telespallangelo for the poll this week for the phrase: "Merlo90 for close friends." As usual wake up in the second half on the bench. Rumour has it that next year will ask no more play in goal, we'll see. Transformer

Di Sciacca : vote 8 . It comes dressed in a mask leaving the tube and Shaikh at home. We during the period of his party: Carnival. With the right spirit is still present between the green of 2 consecutive nights and osmiza muggia. While leaving home, is accused by his brother is going to remember where so tanned! The answer is: the game! The only brother in the category of Excellence replies saying this is serious! The answer that follows is: game Bells! SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Rhinoceros

Ardizzon : vote 6 . Search to put the best team in the field to counter the opposition early in the standings. With captain stayed home for liver problems, Pieri sent on from the first minute and disappoint him completely. His boys start well, with a pole and a goal and playing for the first time in the attacking midfield downwind. He did not dare to replace disqualified Perlangeli that will miss the next game as Mengaziol and Roberti. The mismanagement of foreign exchange, but most of the players available and inexperience as a coach led him to be on Sunday with 14-15 people, 5 of which the owners and still drunk from the night before. Little confidence in the bench available. Arguing with an opponent's leadership that makes them a hand gesture as telling him: Go away! Comes on a bit 'the dialogue. Gritty. Serse Cosmi

Diego : 6.5 vote. In heating pre-game play with the boys, kicking in the door, but my feet do not respond to large. On the bench then when you put the glasses always a "Star". Bruce Willis

Ciccio : vote 7 . I usually work in the midfield with the flag. At the end of calls for tender Sideshow crossing ... perhaps with some hungry! Golosone

Demetrius : 6.5 vote. smiles arrival of the rhinos. Then the bench reveals who played with Monfalcone, but forgot to add that he was a warehouseman. Pallet

Referee: 6.5 vote. Good game. Almost nothing is not wrong. Complains that the opposing bench for too much confusion. Recall also that the bell, then apologized after a clarification saying we have a journalist, photographer and now missing astronaut! What can I say .... any replacement is the commentary of playing time and gear! Caesars

Other votes:

Giovannini : vote 7 . Charisma. Bring the new uniforms for the team. Finish the first time, does not mind to smile on a photo mostratali from Sideshow. Sorry end of the game as the whole environment a blue and white. beating heart

Giorgi : 6.5 vote. Diego As he kicks at goal, but with more fortunate fellow. Smiling because his Roma won against Lecce. cubs

Caputo : 6.5 vote. chasing people passing around the field, earning the money to watch the game. Seemed to him to do for charity! Sheriff of Nottingham

Campanelle : vote 5. good approach to the game. New uniform pink. The hands go up in the dressing room to question who celebrated Carnival in the evening before and he was late. A few minutes later and a post shortly after the goal of benefit. Penalty given for defensive naivety and then neutralized by the bear. Two defensive mistakes cost the defeat. Maybe the team has given up too soon. Of course, the opponents were much stronger, despite the ranking. It should not be divided, but all rowing together. Who throws in the towel raise your hand and make room for someone who thrills on the bench and wants to play. pastry

Patron: 4 vote. stay at home for the hangover taken on Saturday night. I do not think anybody has warned. € 50 fine if I am not mistaken. Dependable, at least on Saturday a few drinks does not hurt the less. The speech is cumulative. Until next time. shoe nail

Saturday, March 5, 2011

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Prohibition of love

Egypt. A Christian Coptic, Ashraf Iskandar, falls in love with a Muslim girl. Her father, instead of sacrificing the girl and killing the boy crisitano, such as those demanded of the Muslim community in the country, it has tolerated and was reconciled with his family. I am born of the fighting and other Muslims attacked a Coptic church of the Virgin, have been devastated and burned. Total, two deaths, a priest and three deacons missing several injured.

Shahbaz Bhatti, a Christian martyr.
Pakistan. The Catholic minister Shahbaz Bhatti was killed by Muslim extremists. His crime, to be a consistent Christian.

Stories of normal martyrdom. For those wishing to spend five minutes to read something on Facebook that will never go here .

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Warts And Cysts On Dogs

This picture was in Lucinico more 2 weeks ago; occasion Marco Merlo (Merlo90 for close friends) has alternated between the two times of the day football.
Let me explain: the first time often was in that position with his head down and think about who knows what, and later the usual shouting and encouraging the team to let off steam.

[Ps: the survey is made in good faith, hoping not to offend the person !!!!]

The survey covers the first part, namely:

What are you thinking Marco Merlo at that time?

1) are the new superhero. I have discovered: MAGNAMON

2) Since I'm attending the Macak I get friend requests on Facebook so many suitors, and I want to elect the King Macak!!

3) With too many cocktails I drink at night and I eat kebab to retrieve my clothes are greased and Viola (Tinky Winky ) of Teletubbise I is not more: how can I win Laa - Laa (yellow) just now beginning Carnival?!

4) A bell does not understand me because they are all mad and alcoholics. I do not even play the Mister and I lose time on Sunday when I could be with my friends Melevisione (Lupo Lucio, Tonio Cartonio Witch and Salamandra).

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wooden Swing Sets Ottawa

Can 'be an alternative to Berlusconi?

Educated at the verb Giuliano Ferrara (which soon we will have the misfortune to see perform and deliver rambling space that was Enzo TV Biagi), Berlusconi trial now to stem the vertical fall of the consensus that certifies the decline in returns with all the fury and violence in the ancient litany report possible anti-upon which he built his political fortune nearly two decades. However, there is repetition of the ramshackle refrain, something that unites the grotesquely surreal invective shouted from the stage last Saturday by the premier of "progressive Christians" (sic), at a meeting in which Gaddafi has told his followers to exterminate "Who does not love him." Farce in the first case, a tragedy in the second, but identical, desperate result of a paranoid delusion that we have seen often occur nel crepuscolo – quasi sempre drammatico – dei dittatori.
Berlusconi appartiene, senza ombra di dubbio, a questa specie, purtroppo non estranea alla biografia della nazione. E, al pari di tutti i dittatori, non trascurerà mezzo alcuno per restare in sella, qualunque prezzo debba pagare il Paese. Così, sabato, abbiamo visto e udito il sultano, livido e in preda ad una compulsiva autoesaltazione, arringare la platea contro le coppie gay e giurare che – lui regnante – mai esse potranno essere assimilate ad una “normale” famiglia e che mai esse potranno sperare di avere bambini in adozione. Poi l’abbiamo visto scagliarsi contro la scuola pubblica, che “inculca” valori unrelated to those that the police cheering families by Tea-party defendants the opportunity to consider appropriate for their children.
short, the man of many charges against (from corruption to tax evasion, from extortion to child prostitution), the inventor of the bunga-bunga sauce Italian, who has exhausted the country and put in a cul de sac a generation, the protagonist of burglary has devastated the constitutional institutions and the rule of law, an accomplice of the most frenzied attack on the rights of the work that you remember from the fascist, who has incorporated into its system of alliances and fully represented, as no in modern Europe, the Right more extreme, now stands in a trench moral champion of un'eticità hypocritical and fraudulent.
Will to believe once again the majority of this weakened Italy and in greater part a prisoner of a spell that seems to have no end?
The answer, as is evident, can not be delivered to a parliament whose majority, a prisoner of money and appanages which was purchased and established, will remain clinging to the liege lord and his command, whatever it is until the end . Even the last wisps that have crossed the building make us informed - if there ever was a doubt - that is those parties that it is be expected palingenesis impossible. It 's time to figure it out: once gangrene has deeply penetrated the vessels and tissues can only be amputated. And then, or the people is in itself the resources, political and moral, to do it, or it is surely contaminated and overwhelmed.
My opinion is that we are exactly at this point. If the sultan at the height of his infamous dish, should be able to claim as a virtue what is recognized as an index of vice and corruption, if it were possible to replicate the sleight of hand which has succeeded in obscuring the consciousness of social strata that have nothing to gain from him and his corrupt clique, and if, in Essentially, Berlusconi could right now to "straddle" the crisis, the country and we all run the risk of an even more profound degeneration authoritarian, impossible in a Europe in decline and crisis of identity politics. We're slipping
- day after day - along a ridge at the end of constitutional democracy which there is no longer even the weaker tracks. It will not be enough to halt the fall, television appearances, this claim more than that of an opposition media was outraged, but no longer has teeth to bite. Let's face it, once and for all: it is a fatal mistake to believe that there could be some sentence court to close terms with the caudillo and the illusion that the shortcut court, any penalty, may substitute for the role and function of politics.
There are times when you need to take risks, and take responsibility to inspire a surge of democracy, pointing the way for a revolt that has the political nature and extent of social breakdown. Or find the courage, or wrappers, you no way out.
The question of the general strike should be read in exactly this perspective. If everything is resolved in the celebration of a tired ritual, officiated to shake off an embarrassing indictment of inertia, it would be useless. A date can be thrown further than would the impact force of a train parked on a siding. The strike is needed to be together instead trigger expression of a general upheaval of society, such as start up and unite all forces, subjectivities, the movements that oppose all'imbarbarimento present: work, the precarious generation, women, migrants, those fighting to defend them from the commons to commodification and those who do not resign themselves to modern forms of slavery.
No longer, therefore, a snapshot of a protest which is equipped for a day and then flows back, no longer a point and loose with no common denominator, but a veritable siege of power, while questioning the state of existing things, sets the agenda of another policy for another country.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Rikers Island Inmates Visit Day

Heavy ........ 3-0 defeat at Sacred DESERVED!

After the defeat in the derby, some expected a reaction in fact there was: a nice 3-0 for 2 points under the opponents in the standings and are now one step ahead.
The Mister had warned us, or in or out: OUT.
In the first 15 minutes: 1 pole and 2 runners hit by opponents.
First goal with inattention Captain (True) definitely not on the same day, falling asleep on a loose ball in midfield from Perlangeli, counter-attack and score.
second goal on a penalty rejected where Mengaziol looked at the brand of the shoes of the attacker.
The indecision on a third-Pedicchio D'orso and the attacker took advantage.

Sorry, but only the votes do not do report cards or anything better to do it!

Mengaziol, Faithful, Patron, Ferluga: 4 votes

bear, Roberti, Perlangeli: 4.5 votes

Vivona Pedicchio, Greek, Covacevich: 5 votes

Pieri and Weiss: Voting 5.5,

Castaldo: sv (7 votes estimation)

MERLO: vote 6

Di Sciacca : 7.5 votes

Ardizzon: vote 6 to estimate

Ciccio Diego: 6.5 votes

Giorgi and Giovannini: 7

Caputo: Rating 5 (for the belly)

Campanele: 3 vote. Pheasant and Caravan Awards won by the team was on the bench who is excluded.

Other votes:

Jade and Nina: vote 7 (Anita and Peggy - Upload 101)

Roberta el 'friend (BOILER): vote 7

some photos and video of the game.

team photo with the new uniform ...

Entry into the field teams .... (1 was seen in the field)

Super bench Bells ....

The 2 Heads empty ....

...... Anxiety

touchdown Perlangeli

Punishment - cross Ferluga.

The usual ..... Roberti of .....

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A product worthy of Rai

Sometimes Rai out of the coma and places a shot that gets to the heart. I saw the drama on the Fontana sisters. I really liked it. I liked the direction, sober and clean, the pace, which kept the focus without falling into a frenzy, as well as acting, definitely a higher level than the poor standard we are used usually on TV. The most interesting thing though was the representation of the Fontana family. A family is not perfect, far from the mill white, but able to unite and be there when someone was in trouble or needed encouragement to undertake a project. A family fondamenali showed the three features that make a human group a family, a great mutual affection and respect for the freedom of others (with the consequent possibility of everyone to become autonomous and independent at the appropriate time), and deep humility of its members, who are not embarrassed to apologize and acknowledge their mistakes.
Atelier Fontana: la moda passa per la fiction
The three protagonists of the drama

I heard from Nicole Fontaine, the only sister still living, that fiction has been very consistent with the reality and the representation of their life has been faithful. In this case it is even more pleased to see a family as possible and practical, which is clearly opposed to the stereotype of the family that is currently imposed on the media.