Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Survivial Rate Prostate Cancer Gleason 8

Between a rock and I knew the slaughterhouse

Like the rest of the Italians I read and hear what is happening around the Prime Minister Berlusconi and the various scandals concerning him. Among all these pounds of stuff I want to point out an interesting article by Massimo Fini, acute intellectual and journalist. I think he has been able to sketch a profile in a realistic man. I propose it to the attention of persons who will find it here
Personally, I think the situation is blocked. On one hand, an employee of gender and power at the end of his life and his career is doing ashamed Italy. On the other hand, if untrustworthy people will rise to power will be only able to open to euthanasia, the right for gay couples to adopt and politics antifamiglia. Who will make the first step of common sense?


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