Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Herpes Outbreak From Bikini Wax

"Sea Monstrum"

The training ship Amerigo Vespucci
Once the Mediterranean as the "Mare Nostrum, our sea of \u200b\u200bancient Romans. Today is turning into a sea where the monsters are coming back to reign of hatred and division. In many countries that face came on the insurgency. Of course I do not want to analyze what is happening in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, etc.. Because I do not have jurisdiction. But I know that a few miles dall'talia the world burns. And I know that in our nation there are arsonists. Just look at how much controversy has raised the institution of the feast of March 17. Yet to argue on the revival and re-written history. They know well the stones that the resurgence was very different from the politically correct versions that propinano. It 'was a movement of a few groups of power, Masonic lodges, to foreign influences. E 'was done with clerical functions and pursuing new international equilibrium. This is nothing new. But Italy there was, however, even before, such as language, religion, culture, sense of belonging. Not have been the revival to give us a country, nor will the controversy over the revival to take that away. I that a healthy sense of identity, pride and national pride does not hurt anyone, in fact. Maybe if we would remember more of the "Mare Nostrum" We feel a bit more patriotic and not only when playing the national team.


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