Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Pringles Pinhole Camera Doesn't Work Why


reproduce below an interview with the Minister of Welfare Sacconi, with which they are not at all agree.
Welfare Minister believes that boys pay the bill for bad teachers: "They take them to skills that are not required by the labor market." Necessary to reassess the manual labor
ROMA - One of the causes of youth unemployment in Italy? Have 'bad teachers' and 'bad parents'. It supports the Welfare Minister Maurizio Sacconi, that it is necessary to reevaluate the "manual labor, technical education and vocational high school without a choice is made for one social convention and maybe not seeing that Govan has the intelligence in the hands ".
Young said Sacconi speaking on Radio Rai 1, "certainly are particularly vulnerable to unemployment pay the bill mainly because of bad teachers and sometimes bad parents, bad teachers because they distracted and that led them to skills that are required by the labor market. "
to the minister's response "fundamental" can only be "one of the investment in knowledge, skills, schools and universities, the training that must be realized in particular by the school to work. The orientation of educational choices is a very important moment. We try to help strengthen the labor market information, a program with chambers of commerce and a system on a provincial basis every three months will give information on the skills demanded by current and prospective labor market. "

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Whats A Household Lube?

There are no more heroes than once

Saviano, Assange, heroes of modern communication, men who are likely first-person telling things that someone would not want to know. Yet I am not convinced. Because even they can not stay away from the spotlight, do not give up and pull up the first women quakche mites from their television appearances and literary. For example, a few hours ago that Assange, prophet of the open secrets of Wikileaks, has an agreement in dance by a half million dollars for his autobiography. And we fly over on the other hand had to be used by Saviano dead cat from Fabio Fazio. I do not trust the heroes for a fee, do not find them credible. I do not trust those who denounce the killings of the Camorra, and instead justifies euthanasia. Distinguishing between those who died because bothered Honor Company and who is dead because it was a burden to modern society. E 'in the scene the hero, takes, applause.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

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Talk, chin

These days we have seen members bought and sold, screamers with swollen neck veins, immoral moralists and pacifists quarrelsome. We've seen what you can do just to maintain power, and what to do while riese to conquer. Parliament has become the dumping of toxic waste from factories of Power. The reality is somewhere else, lies in the daily toil of life, who places his feet every morning on the ground trying to sustain itself despite the headwinds. The truth belongs to those who sweats every day trying to make sense of their sacrifices. A person who rejects the revolutionary violence, which is convenient only to the powerful. To those who every day creates the preconditions for a renewed civilization, paying in person.

Friday, December 3, 2010

How Do I Know If My Bladder Has Fallen

parties with Kriterion

Our Association - Kriterion families and individuals - has had its baptism of fire: November 6 dances started with a day to update physicians and psychologists on headache and obesity in children . 27, we continued with another day on the relationship between psychotherapy and religious dimension of the patient. We are very pleased with the success of the events and for the competence of those who helped us in achieving. A special thanks to the Association of stocks that Ali has the consistent support machine organization.
The participants showed interest in the subjects covered and they have explicitly asked to continue to aprofondire few topics. Risopndere We hope to welcome as soon as possible to these requests.
another innovation in the near future. Is about to start a version of "mature" and structure of the workshop Psychologist . It will be a monthly event with young psychologists and psychotherapists in training, to meet, exchange experiences, discuss professional issues most pressing, or ideological, free from school. Under the Psychology of Reality, which Kriterion wants to invest its resources and its reflections. Put on your site and blog as soon as possible the information to all concerned. It is our intention to shop will be a place of thought to produce concrete initiatives. In the interest of the Person and the Family.
In short, we left. To work with policy.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Wd Acronis Interrupted

the puppet of Putin

Interviewed on Wikileaks revelations about parties and partying, "the best prime minister of the last 150 years," said that "we must not look at the statements of officials of the third or fourth grade in the end report what they read in newspapers left. "
According to The New York Times on November 28, Putin and "The best prime minister for 150 years (from now on, in code IMPDCDU150A) form an" alliance intriguing "exchange regaloni and do business through a "shady" broker-speaking diplomats russo.I via Veneto scrivono che IMPDCDU150A “appears increasingly to be the mouthpiece of Putin”.
Insomma secondo quei “funzionari di terzo e quarto grado” dell’ambasciata Usa IMPDCDU150A è più un pupazzo che un portavoce, ma che volete, questa è solo l’opinione di “funzionari di terzo e quarto grado” dell’Ambasciata Usa.
Suddetti funzionari di terzo e quarto grado non fanno feste di notte e, svegli, di giorno:
1. Leggono giornali di sinistra
2. sono imbeccati dalle gazzette comuniste
3. credono alle toghe rosse
4. complottano contro l’Italia
5. fanno crollare il prezzo dei BTP
6. bringing down the school of gladiators
7. give order to the U.S. Consulate in Naples to throw rubbish on the street
8. primed the New York Times that is primed by El Pais, which is primed by the Republic, which is prompted by De Benedetti
9. to believe that prostitutes do not know who they are paid
10. IMPDCDU150A define as the puppet of a communist macho (Putin, the alpha dog) who has worked as a spy for the Union (not that of Mortadella, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics). In closing I quote
Ennio Flaiano ('the situation is serious but not serious') but I prefer a Roberto Benigni vintage: "Italy are destroying a lot but have fun."

Monday, November 22, 2010

How Long Do People Live With Lewy's Body


According to the Interior Ministry, the North is the area of \u200b\u200bItaly where there is the greatest mafia infiltration in the economic system, and is part of the country in which there is the most empty of staff of the police engaged "in the control of the land ': missing about 7,000 units between police and financial police policemen compared to a deficit of 4500 units in the Centre and the South of 3700 This data confidential Interior Ministry are now a further confirmation of As reported in recent days by the writer Roberto Saviano that "there is no no strategy for countering the spread of entrepreneurship mafia investing its funds mainly in the North. "Here is the map mafia infiltration in the tissue that emerges, crossing the Italian business financial data for the offenses of money laundering with the shortage of worked in the police to combat crime.
In the ranking of the regions, Campania is the first for recycling (850 investigations over the past 5 years). But is Lombardy, second with 800 offenses, to have the most negative record of the vacuum of law enforcement staff. In the Region Interior Minister Roberto Maroni in fact a total lack 2100 security personnel, including 900 military officers who are
the third highest number of crimes of money laundering is the Lazio (740) Region that has the greatest shortage of police and carabinieri (2000), The other
region with greater shortage of staff is the Piedmont, where there were 300 episodes in 5 years for money laundering; missing here between 1500 and Carabinieri police, and 480 financiers. In Liguria, where the last five years the money was found 460 times, the "yellow flames" that are unaccounted for are 320, 700 officers and soldiers of the weapon. The situation is also difficult in the Veneto region where the Northern League laundering offenses over the past 5 years have been 220, the organic load of the police amounted to 750 police officers and policemen, and 460 financiers.
With these data we can say that the North has focused almost 50 percent of the shortage of police forces of Italy .. The mafia infiltration in the economic world is identified only by sophisticated criminal investigations are needed to make such investments and men, while in recent years there have been no investment in resources and tools to counter the financial crimes or recruitment of staff to cope with these serious gaps in the staffing plan of the agents. It is serious in Lombardy, the stock exchange Italian, 1200 between police and carabinieri are missing, but also nearly a thousand financiers operating in offices in which they pursue, in particular, tax evasion and money laundering mafia.
So in light of these data, the complaint Saviano, maybe not exactly orthodox methods, it is true and highlights a real problem that many have never reported and thoroughly, in spite of assurances partly true and partly propaganda of the sheriff minstro Maroni.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Contact Proto Scooters

who builds, who demolishes, and who ...

Today was officially consecrated by the Pope's splendid Sagrada Familia Basilica in Barcelona and even designed by English architect Antonio Gaudi's first meditation, which is soon blessed. A construction site along 120 years and not yet fully completed, to create a modern cathedral that has nothing to envy to the great cathedrals of Europe that have made Europe since the Middle Ages.

La Sagrada Familia
miles away from the ugly concrete churches so prevalent in our suburbs, or to show the result of construction nightmare nights of masons dressed architects (see for example the disgusting building that Padre Pio in San Giovanni Rotondo), the Sagrada Familia church is a modern but respectful of the liturgy, architecture holy, the faithful who have to get in and especially of the Divine that has to live there.

Here was a sprint ...
Almost simultaneously in Pompeii, overlooked by an administration and sloppy menfreghista, profoundly ignorant, and without honor, is coming down the House of Gladiators, an important site of buried city which is one of the few tourist attractions and get even able to persuade tourists to venture into vile degradation of Campania.

short, faith in God is shown the only engine for the construction and maintenance works fine and valid for ever, without that the world goes to pieces.

While all this was happening in the streets adjacent to the passage of the Pope a group of two hundred gays and lesbians kissing each other. I know it has nothing to do with the speech, but it kept me that much to get noticed felt bad not tell you.

To learn more about the Sagrada Familia

Friday, November 5, 2010

How To Adjust Idle Speed On Yamaha Phazer

I was not disappointed

Indeed it is.
He never tricked or cheated.
He failed, and even once as he tried to joke.
did not make it at the time of his first TV appearances - I'm talking about the time of the first private radio stations with little more than regional coverage - or when, using all possible tricks, disguised himself as a political statesman.
Overnight, trusting to my first impression, I realized that, with that person, I could not even share a bench in a public park.
course, someone will object that can not be based on the opinions and suggestions but this is right, at least for that time, the instinct or the "suggestion" I get my information more appropriate to look at the character in the clearest light.
From then on, I had the opportunity to hear or read statements or reflections of personality, which, having had to approach for different reasons, knew him, and unconsciously, confirmed my earlier suspicion (see Enrico Cuccia and Indro Montanelli).
Along the way, the mutant Berlusconi, huddled other comments made by some more personality to list them now, and perhaps it would be too long now, useless.
On the other hand, certain names should be known or at least you created between what we are made from initial idea to seduce can make some remnant of advanced power in the trough of a pig that, in many, even today, by all means, try to get close.
Oh, sure, many of them today are disappointed, saddened. Some, like Guzzanti father, seems to have changed even in the worst of Berlusconi inquisitor: the analysis, the team and reveals it in its different facets psychological.
But unlike in an opinion that many are scrambling to spread on the action of premier, debating how and why certain attitudes and statements, I think, today, Silvio Berlusconi, consistent with its being, has given the best. I am convinced
I've played to perfection the role that is given from the very beginning of his rise in the Italian political scene, ie, the stagnant swamp in which foul the air over Europe.
since "big shot" (invented by its current Minister of Development, Paolo Romani ed) when, with that program, he began to inoculate the "tissue" in the people of viewers less informed and probably more repressed, the subject never stopped anointing of the video image with its plastic, poison and embarrass any form of intelligence with the insipid jokes (Model WC elementary class IV), to make laughable in the eyes of any civilized inhabitant of our world, unhappy and sad country, subject to him.
I have never voted or supported and to be honest, I've never even hated. No, I was not disappointed, in fact, has passed than I expected from my personal and negative, never changed, first impression.
Therefore, I can not find, anywhere, in any context, any valid reason to declare disappointed.
But now I have a doubt and I ask myself, but I, simple, single marginal citizen-viewer, as I have understood from the outset, though instinctively, what pasta was made such a figure? How come the "pundits" (including every sense) of the policy that opened its doors with the apocalyptic mess of the "bicameral" (confession here) did not notice, immediately, the personality of the subject? These are truly "masters" so naive? Or are they only appeared at the service of other powers? What kind of credibility would clothe itself again?

Friday, October 29, 2010

Williams Rogers Butter Knife


The most important parameter to explain the quality of life of the adult population is work. Scientific studies have shown that most important variable to explain the longevity of citizens is the type of work they do. The better the quality of work (that is, the greater the opportunity to demonstrate in their workplaces, the creativity that the whole human being has, the greater control of its working environment and working conditions and greater satisfaction with his work), the greater the number of years of life of a citizen. In fact, the work is 24 hours of the day, not just the eight-hour workday. And the weakest of our society is that, for most people who work, work is not in itself, a means of entertainment, creativity and satisfaction, but a simple tool to reach the half-money-so that those 'made in individual feels world consumption.
The consumer society makes the world work a simple tool to consume.
What the person (the consumer) depends on what he does (the job). Thus, the common people, in the great wisdom that gives his daily experience, when a person wants to know, after having asked his name, usually asks: "And you, who do you do?". And when given the answer to this question already know a lot of the other person, including the level of consumption, the kind of house he has and the type of neighborhood where she lives, as well as his lifestyle and so on.
But the work is not only a good individual but also collective. That is, many people work (and with a good job), greater wealth resides in a country. In reality, the fact that in Spain we less rich in most countries of Europe is due to the fact that we have less than their employed. However, to get a good job must first have a job. And this is not in abundance. And that's where the problem begins. If all these people who want to having a job could find and there was full employment, the application would only work, but good job. A good job would be the main focus of most of the adult population. But when there is so much unemployment, demand fell and just work wonders.
Unemployment, however, occur where there is less work than offer the people who want to look for work. And that can respond to several reasons. One is that the economy is strong and there is sufficient demand for products and services, and companies reduce their production and lay off their workers. This is what is happening now. But beyond that there are structural causes that have existed for many years. One is technological change, which allows a worker to do what they did in the first twenty. Another is the shift of firms in other countries, where they also bring jobs. And still another is immigration, which increases the amount of people in search of work. Each of these structural causes can vary depending on policy decisions.
Another way to reduce unemployment, which is investigating not so much as on previous ones, is to increase labor supply by reducing the number of hours worked. This is indeed what the Roosevelt administration did with the New Deal, when unemployment rose dramatically during the Great Depression. In 1940, Roosevelt issued a law establishing the working week of five days, when it was six days. This change was very important, not only increased the quality of life of the working population (and that of his family), but significantly increased the offer to work. Hence a measure of efficiency to create great work would be to reduce the working week to four days, a change which, of course, should be done slowly without adversely affecting the production of goods and services. It is probable that the company initially are reduced, which explains the huge opposition to this measure of the corporate world. In fact, his last question, the proposal for the European Commission, the neo-liberal sensibility, was to increase the working week from 48 to 65 hours.
Income working however, would increase, and from this point of view of economic efficiency is a positive outcome, because part of the financial and economic problems is based on the excessive polarization of incomes, with enormous exuberance of the benefits capital with a consequent reduction of the benefits of work. The enormous increase in productivity that has occurred during the twentieth century in most OECD countries brought major benefits to income from capital to income from work. From there, the importance of reversing this, both for reasons of fairness and economic efficiency!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Bad Taste Clarithromycin

to a possible psychology manifesto of the new pill

The reality is simple. The reality is true. The reality is accessible.

some psychology has a serious fault to have erased the immediacy of reality. He imposed preconceived thesis, has created suspicion, has overlooked the woods. It is armed with arrogance and conceit . He denied a normal life, failed love. He repudiated her mother, philosophy, and his father, common sense, and has carved a reality fitttizia. He haggled with medicine, sucking determinism, which is to be born free of a programmed machine. He became a religion and demanded worship.

The psychology of reality do not want this worship

1. Regard man as a whole composed of body and that is a main form and unifying principle of life.
2. This principle of life within a context that does not dissolve. The material world is approaching death.
3. The human feeling of wanting to live and to have a purpose in his life, but runs into a reality that succumbs under the weight of time and of its frailty.
4. All the time of its existence, the man tries to find solutions to the dilemma: how to be happy and in a reality that goes toward the dissolution? For this dilemma, there are infinite solutions wrong (ie all forms of autosalvezza) but arising from all claims of relying only on their and resources .
5. The solution that the psychology of the fact considers comply is that:
- welcomes what their limits;
- adapts to overlooks the reality that every human being;
- accepts its truth and not hide it;
- refers to a rule that is outside the moral nature;
- goes towards others practicing the rules of social life;
- not passively surrenders to dissolvimimento (attitude that leads to depression), nor imposes artificial obstacles (obstacles in the lives of people manifest as neurosis), but pursues a project that goes beyond the immediate
- devotes all his intelligence to find a way that is founded on rationality, reality and truth.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Best Professional Camcorder For Less Than 2000

explodes without brakes. Just a small provocation, and it sends a comatose woman in the subway. Just hit a dog (the fault of the owner) that the master himself almost kills the driver. Just to put an away football aferro and fire a city. Just a little bit of sexual attraction and take the rape and perhaps murder.
satisfy every desire?
that in the depth of the human heart there was hell it was well known, that its doors are always open up more they're seeing. It 'a split second that passes between the pulse and try to implement it, "acting out" they say in technical jargon. Many will come to think, before a person intolerable and provocative: "I want to strangle her." A man removes just the thought with another thought: "What makes me angry that here, better than giving up or else I can say or do something that I regret." This balanced and mature people. It happens however, increasingly, there are those who do not mind this filter triggers and the really puts his hands around his neck. Why does it happen? Why are people unable to use a filter between emotions and action? The reasons are many. The most popular are certainly drugs and alcohol, substances (without the split between light and heavy) can weaken, to abolish them altogether, the ability to brake and vigilance are the property of a healthy individual. But there is a deep question piiù. Regarding education and therefore the family. Parents are accustomed to satisfying every desire of children to say yes to every request, to tolerate any outburst of anger, not to punish, to allow free rein to all their passion. So destroy the children's potential for self-control, and therefore expose them to enormous dangers. Since the company is unable to repair the mistakes of their parents and the school is foolish to charge this responsibility that do not belong to him, the consequences we see daily in the newspaper. While all this happens, instead of deal to restore the family to its rightful place, we continue to miss the target, calling for more police, more cameras, more courses in schools. The only thing that matters is reassessing the traditional family and culture and give them the means to carry out his task.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


War and the dead in Afghanistan

The war in Afghanistan has now returned the dead bodies of four Italian soldiers. How many more must die before the policy takes responsibility to put an end to this senseless tragedy?

How much blood will still flow before the Italian Parliament chooses to discuss openly and honestly for the war in Afghanistan and pull out Italy from this disaster?

How many coffins we will have to bring before our eyes to push the RAI to arrange a serious debate on the war in Afghanistan? When our public broadcasting service will help the Italians to understand what happened, what's going on and how you can do to prevent more deaths? When that happens will be invited to speak also the peacemakers, not just the usual suspects?

Our young soldiers are dying because the military government continues to pass on the task of solving a huge problem that the military have no chance of solving. As yet we have to endure this mess?

Therefore, while we join the excruciating pain of the family of Gianni Manca, Marco Pedone, Sebastian Villa, Francesco Vannozzi ask once again to Italy to abandon the path of war and bankruptcy and ineffectual efforts to build a ' political alternative to this unnecessary slaughter of innocents, truth and legality.

In my opinion there is the exit strategy: we must move from military to political and civil side of the victims of decades of war, oppression and poverty. We need to support the Afghan civil society that is committed to respect for human rights, Reconstruction and Reconciliation (the most important lever of democracy in Afghanistan). We need to increase significantly the actions of cooperation in order to meet the vital needs of the population.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

What Is Xddm Failure?

Violence kills children continues to kill even a few Mother. At the table of Dives

An r_2.jpg cora two women dead after abortion with RU486: three experts from the CDC confirm (' Centres for Disease Control and Prevention ) in Atlanta, the last number of prestigious scientific journal New England Journal of Medicine. Do not worry, they are just collateral damage of the next day.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Mucinex And Increased Erections

a patient told me: "Ultimately, nothing new under the sun, the politicians were stealing past and continue to steal today." Speech a little easier, a bit simplistic, but in a way acceptable. The rulers and the powerful of all ages have always been subjected to the temptation to take advantage of their situation and of using them rather than for the common good, for their own interests. "Who runs soup has" repeated the grandparents knew that long. Fret not worth the liver, or invoke some kind of change. Change sides, do not change hearts. But what makes me think of is the profound difference you see between the politicians a few decades ago and those today. I do that I also deal with drug addiction for some time, watching many of our representatives, I have the distinct feeling of being out of a wreath Service (for addiction), in front of a sidewalk, where people without self-control, personal dignity, sense of limits, crying with a bottle in his hand, tell the building of methadone, a stolen car, the last refuge of the tear luck homeless guy. Are taken from their confused and aggressive impulses they seem to mind, grind their teeth or laugh suddenly for the barking of a dog. Sad spectacle of people where it is difficult to establish between drugs, alcohol and behavior disorder of thought, what caused it. Some of them will come out? Perhaps, but few, only those who - in a moment of clarity - will be able to look in the mirror honestly. And after looking, if you will still have some mental resources saved from drugs, really ask for help. I can not help but to see our politicians the same way. Many cocaine addicts, most morally depraved, many ex-thugs forcibly repressed in a jacket and tie that did not belong. You insult, accuse each other, discovered with his fingers in the cookie jar they defend by attacking. They have no sense of limits, they do not control neither the words nor the thoughts that should anticipate the words. Do not measure the gestures, are barbaric. They bend their backs to the stronger, you sell, you buy it, lack of high ideals and projects. Spying and blackmail, they exchange the girls who aspire to the crumbs of the feast. They pretend to raise its voice, but act as obsequious courtiers of power that placed them there. No, this is not about not to steal, it is a rotten and corrupt political generation in the depths, and does not prejudice the right and do not save the left. And you do not save even the "pure", they want replace the others. Someone will come out? Ask for help from Sert until you take up.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Source Cydia Pokemon Roms


In our sick democracy, each character in the scene plays a clear role.

Among politicians, politicians, escort, two dwarfs and dancers will stand for servility and lack of moral qualities.

Both answer to two masters and famous for their carry on any battlefield.

One is called Victor Felts, and is paid by Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, the other Mauritius is Belpietro the pay of the PDL Senator Antonio Angelucci.

We must not forget that "free" newspaper of which he is director Belpietro also takes considerable public funds to newspapers.

The task of the two assassins Victor Felts and Maurizio Belpietro is to produce tons of sludge to be spread over those who do not line up at the thought only Berlusconi.

clear example of the least of their task has become clear in recent months when Gianfranco Fini tired of the dictatorial ways of Silvio Berlusconi has decided to abandon the party he helped create, the PDL .

Since then the two vultures Belpietro Felt and began to fly around the private life of the President of the Chamber trying to bring to light the events that could discredit the image.

With this goal have employed all their energies and all the ink of their pens to produce an endless documentation that demonstrates the misconduct of the President of the Chamber, in the affairs of the sale of the apartment in Monaco.

Faced with a lack of evidence, witnesses and reliable evidence of the two producers of mud began to create a false set of files that have as sole objective is to damage the integrity of the President of the Chamber and, consequently, to intimidate, to desist from the road has begun.

invite Belpietro Felts and two directors, to look like other human beings to make use of the spine, trying to keep your back straight even before all'ingombrante weight Berlusconi.

At the same time recommend that you each get back to basics, and once again become reporters who were. Instead of lounging in the confinement of their studies, behind a dusty desk because they do not begin to achieve real inquiries from reporters?

Why do not go south in Italy to discover the State's collusion with organized crime? Why not document the breakdown of political Lega in the North?

We know that all of our questions remain unanswered.

We hope however that the collapse of Berlusconi's power over, swept away the two killers, Felt and Belpietro.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Oval Shower Curtain Rod Toronto

England that there is no ECM

A moment of celebration
Benedict XVI's trip to England is certainly an important event, one of the most significant of his pontificate. The traditional atmosphere of hostility and suspicion that for centuries have marked the relations of Rome with English as if it had melted under the sun that has accompanied the unusual celebrations Pope. The hospitality of the people, but also of the authorities, was warm and enthusiastic. The few complaints have come from the usual factions colorful and boisterous, but woe if there were, in fact the journalists what to write and how you earn a salary? The amazing thing about all this trip, in fact, was the absence of serious and responsible journalistic information. It is to be stunned by the news headlines, the records, the chronicles. The same site was conspicuous by ANSA empty brain. The usual four-nonsense color, the same sentences taken out of context, about pedophilia, another on the condemnation of Nazism, the four Algerians who were preparing an attack, perhaps, but maybe not the hats of the Queen. I mean, nothing. No one who has told the British so hot in the cold ' embrace the Pope came to Rome. No one who has mentioned the historic event is happening: Thousands of Anglicans, entire parishes who are returning to Catholicism, tired of consecrated women and gay bishops, no one has explained who the converted Henry Newman, Cardinal beatified during this Travel, one of the most enlightened and learned the history of the Church, no one who has commented the Pope's warning against the dictatorship of relativism. So a global censorship, which is not known whether it is explained more by the stupidity of journalists, with their prejudices, with the orders of the powerful or the simple and pure ignorance. So, as usual, ordinary people see and believe, the bosses squirm in their blindness.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Gay Cruisinng Kolkatta

Notice of specialized doctors and psychologists involved. The Association Kriterion families and individuals organized for the 6th and November 27, 2010 valid for two days of training tPress CME credits. One theme is the headache and obesity in children, the other religious aspects in psychotherapy. Interested parties may obtain the necessary information on the Association website: www.associazionekriterion.it
If you are interested, though not doctor or psychologist, may participate as a mere listener.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Mature In Push-up Bras On Hamster

Update on the Range The Chicco

Henry said Chicco, Mentone is a few weeks to Tg la7. In this short time he made the plays and take off the news night after night has increased the consent of the issuer and the audience. Mentone is good, very competent, aggressive enough, but with irony. A gentleman journalist. He wants to do well and the ability to succeed, the results are rewarding. And now for the competition will be green mice: the news of Rai is a yawn, that Rai 2 stimulates diuresis. Rai 3 thinks tore their clothes, the news network 4 is a comic catwalk. The Tg5 still must figure out what will be the largest, that of Italy is home to one of the horrors of an amusement park poor. In a desolate landscape like this only seemed to Sky Tg bring some freshness. For an additional fee. Mentone, helped by a television studio set design refined, is a breath of fresh air.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Ter/gusb2-n Ter/gusb2-n


As we have seen, many Italian families this year have been unable to afford even the traditional summer vacation because of the crisis and the numerous economic difficulties with which they currently find themselves confronted and 2007 to 2010 the purchasing power of Italian families has decreased by 9%.
It is a further puzzling because in the face of price increases and new fees that are coming.
From the analysis of the National Observatory, in fact, the price growth for 2010 will bring to the Italian families an increase of well over € 1,118 last year. A
will weigh the price increases for almost all items of the household budget, from RC cars to heating, from gas prices to airline tickets, increases which, in general, is part of a wider section of household spending, which in the second half autumn will have to deal with school costs almost probit (the prices of the books will record a further growth by an average of 5%). To name but a few practical, auto insurance will increase by € 160, the gas prices of 100 €, 60 of those highways and the airlines / airport 65; also train fares will increase by € 65 and those relating to heating of 140, the rates of the waste will be increased to € 38 and the water 19.
is inevitably that of a new reduction in the purchasing power of households, already sorely tried by the severe crisis that the country is experiencing for a long time, and economic maneuvers unfair and wrong fielded by the Government, is not to forget the continued rise in the unemployment rate and the resulting contraction in consumption, even came to be manifested through the decrease in quantity and quality of food consumption.
Faced with this situation should run for cover, starting with the revival of domestic demand by increasing the purchasing power of fixed-income families. To do so would be essential to act decisively, launching a process of tax relief for fixed-income and working families a real block of prices and rates.
Our politicians, instead of trying to solve the economic plight of the country, continue to be photographed while sunbathing on their ultra-luxury villas, to face the Italians increasingly pale and penniless.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

French Short Story Dr Mrs Vandertramp

"La donna e mobile ..." but not only she

Communication is also mobile, so mobile that the Telecommunications Authority announced overtaking: the phone calls on her cell phone now exceed those from fixed phones.

We like to have on this sort of inflatable donut that accompanies us in the deep of our day. It gives us the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing tied to the other at any time not to lose the contacts and relationships with the world, in short, not to drown Nehl depths of loneliness. The mobile phone is more than just a communication service, and breath, and security and existence. I exaggerate? So why do we carry the phone anywhere? Why anche solo per scendere in cantina lo mettiamo in tasca? Perchè, se disgraziatamente ci accorgiamo di non aver visto un messaggio inviatoci, ci vengono mille ansie? Perchè se il telefono si scarica ci viene il panico? Perchè non riusciamo a spegnerlo anche in ambienti dove sarebbe richiesto il silenzio? Il telefono che squilla è la prova che esisto, se qualcuno mi cerca evidentemente ci sono. Il modello di telefono che uso fa capire agli altri le mie possibilità economiche, o la mia capacità di indebitarmi pur di non perdere il treno della moda, o ancora lo snobismo di non essere alla moda. Insomma, il cellulare parla di me prima ancora di farmi parlare con te. Ma come abbiamo fatto a non estinguerci quando non avevamo il cellulare?

Monday, August 9, 2010

How Does A Scorpion Flirt


That there is something unclear in the events of Monaco An is now clear, but just to verify that there exists a special state power, the judiciary. Because of public money we throw it in the toilet enough, on this specific case it seems only right to leave work the pm, the only ones who have to check the criminal liability and, if necessary, summon Gianfranco Fini. Similarly is right that journalists, if not satisfied with the long note of the President of the Chamber and can disprove even a comma, to go on in their battle for transparency . That said, we can not ignore yet another act of squads set up by the Berlusconi regime .

Today it's up to Fini, several times in the past more or less recently it was the turn of Di Pietro, the judge was in October Mesiano, between late August and early September - after the director of 'Future Dino Boffo and the Republic of Ezio Mauro - Fini was again: we are talking about the media campaigns put up by the house organs all more or less indirectly controlled by the Knight . Campaign news that a Martian who knew nothing of Italy IN THEORY could be absolutely right (apart from the servizietto kindly reserved Mesiano, a Mafia-style simply piduista, as we have already had occasion to write ) because - again in theory - for requesting explanations for public figures to ensure transparency , no in practice it never released by desired of the 'end user' , always him, Silvio Berlusconi.

All were born in fact a political necessity, decidedly undemocratic: baton round's opponent . Di Pietro with its firm opposition to the regime comes to double the votes? Here's the scoop (always those periodicals, clockwork) on its real estate business and Free Il Giornale and, with help from outside of the increasingly excellent (excuse the grammar) Corriere della Sera, the photo with Contrada; Mesiano condemns in the Fininvest Cir De Benedetti pay to a compensation of 750 million euro for the Mondadori award? Tranquilli, just to see his socks Mattino5 turquoise passing it to a fool and you're done; Boffo from his newspaper critics quietly premier pimp but at the same time defender of Catholic values? Felt extracts from an old cylinder storiaccia of telephone harassment and indicated as a homosexual, leading him to resign. Republic pounds Berlusconi with the wrong questions, those on Naomi? Still Felt reveals that its director has paid for a house in black.

Now it's up to Fini, already in the crosshairs of the club official Felt (September 14, after its outputs to unmark the PDL, the director of the newspaper via Negri comes out with a warning of mold Dell'Utri "Delegate judges to do justice policy is a risk. Especially if the judicial investigations are based on theorems. Because today it is for the Prime Minister, tomorrow it could contact the President of the Chamber. It is sufficient to say, got out of a dossier of 2000 matters red light on the characters of the National Alliance to mount a scandal. Better not wake a sleeping dog. ")

After the break official and the creation of Freedom and the Future, here is the journalistic investigation on the house of An Monaco, passed to his brother's second wife Fini. The pressing joint Free and Il Giornale led to the opening of a dossier by the Public Prosecutor of Rome, against persons unknown for now. reiterate: the issue should be clarified and it is certainly right that reporters put questions to politicians. But you can not pass for journalism this systematic beatings, especially if the 'end users' direct of these campaigns - yes, he always - is anything but transparent . Going specifically talking about the case today, is more serious than a house inherited by a party that ends after several steps to the brother in law of what was then the leader of the political movement or a businessman to buy his future rampant fabulous residence is makes use of the pro-guardian of the legitimate owner of the villa for duped? It's time for a story .

Once upon a time, in 1974, a rampant entrepreneur who had set his sights on Villa San Martino di Arcore, estimated age of 1.7 billion lire. The young man, then of course a hat, he could to buy it for 250 million. The spell was possible thanks to Cesare Previti always special - what later became the now officially employed simple borrower, he bought with his money, the national Put the above award Mondadori - then protutore of the owner, the Annamaria Casati Stampa ladyship, still a minor. The fee, set on 500 million, not made in cash but in shares of some real estate companies not listed, was delayed in time. So then her ladyship, now an adult and moved to Brazil when she tried to cash in shares, was forced to yield to the generous offer Knight of the future: "You buys the I, but at half the price."

Here, when the various Felt, Belpietro, Faith, Jordan and Brachino find the time to tell this beautiful story on the grill by putting the Black Knights with their incessant questions, then you become more credible with the other surveys. Until then, remain the only independent journalists. From themselves.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Dragon Ball Yaoi Manga

A "Panorama" distressing

We missed the Panorama investigation on some failed homosexual priest who celebrates Mass during the day and night is between local streets in search of male companionship. How sad. certainly not new, we know that these things exist, but we can not settle everything with a simplistic: "They are men too, can have their weaknesses." Here it is worse, these are people that have been years to form, which should be submitted to the seriousness and responsibility of their role, who may go to their bishop and say, "I leave, I realize can not longer perform my job. "But they do not continue to turn from man to man, making compassion by those who pretend not to recognize them, soaked with sex addicts, so preoccupied with their fever could not even do the only act that he would return dignity to ask for help. Nobody has the right to judge, but the damage that these people are the Church and the world is enormous. It's fine for the pedophile priests, homosexual priests, the priests with his mistress, the priests who steal are always less than those who behave in a consistent, and I am convinced of this, but here at stake is the education system of a whole generation of priests. The Church must seriously question. The priesthood has been so trivialized and secularized in the Catholic priest that the strength of feeling say it's a man among men, not afraid to become a man with women, with men, or even with the children when his level of perversion overflows. I, the layman, I notice a crisis level by Allam red. The Pope is right when he says that the danger is not from outside but from within the Church. It will be necessary so long to get back a new priestly class, enthusiastic but practical, simple, yet prudent, caring for the poor, but even more attentive to the liturgy that speaks to announce or not to talk. And maybe the price to pay for it will be high.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Diy Quarter Pipe Plans


From week to week what they can do it worse. This time we have to note the penultimate sentence of the Knight, the one that says: "Press freedom is not an absolute right." Sentence of his tragic enormity. Unthinkable in today to listen to free Europe, except in certain right-wing extremist or hospice authoritarian Russia of his friend Vladimir Putin. Imagine if you could never be said in America stars and stripes so much loved by the prince of Arcore, where a couple of centuries ago, President Thomas Jefferson said the exact opposite: "Our liberty depends on freedom of the press and it can not be limited without being lost. "
Nor can we underestimate that the decision be the same Berlusconi that once prided itself as the bastion of freedom, all freedoms. Beginning with the editorial of his empire (even born under the wing Socialist and current account All Iberian), which has already largely vanished not only from all the news that controls, but also broadcasts daily to gradually conceal, distort, sweetened, invent, poison the reality, instead of telling it.
A publisher who publicly declares against press freedom - like a vegetarian who slaughter cattle - had not yet seen. As he had never seen a liberal who praises the mafioso Vittorio Mangano, insulting the judiciary, justify tax evasion, it impedes the process, buy judgments, corrupting witnesses, organizing small parties in institutional buildings.
But this is the mirror of today's Italy, and as I always say ... every nation has the leaders it deserves!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

FlunitrazepÁn Y ClonazepÁn


Italy can not be ruled more by Parliament but by sitting in high places. Every day that passes more and more fallen medieval obscurantism. What I mean? Dinner organized by the journalist (!) Bruno Vespa, which has taken into his humble dwelling representatives of the powers who run Italy.

The official reason is the face-off between Silvio Berlusconi and Pier Ferdinando Casini. The prince of Arcore would like the Democrat entered the majority so he can raise on, kicked in the ass, Gianfranco Fini Finian and all who serve in the PDL. Umberto Bossi has already said he is not willing to host the UDC in the majority, too many differences of views.
The guests first-rate suggest that this was not just the end of the dinner of power. Sitting at the table of the master servant were: Bank of Italy Governor Mario Draghi, the Vatican Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone, the General Chairman of Cesare Geronzi, Gianni Letta, and the daughter of Prime Minister Marina Berlusconi. Other sources speak of another fifteen guests who remain top secret for now ....

no one was missing lords. It 's a remake of the famous dinner in the Britannia, when the riches of the beautiful country were sold off and sacrificed on the altar of capitalism. Here you are deciding the fate of Italy near future. Prelates, financial lobbies, political authorities, business and mafia, journalists and publishers. Something big bubbles in the pot. The news of the dinner, the power goes pretty much like normal routine "democratic" on major national media organizations. Understand how to operate the carousel?

Other than freedom of the press, we think of the gag while we still have the chains, we are in the Middle Ages. The power is stuff for a few, we are only appearing in the immense tragedy staged in the amphitheater democratic Italy.

We are about to witness a so-called crisis Wizard. Jump seats and reach new puppets. To change the government and not moving Re Silvio do not need elections, they are useless formality, as the consent of the Italians for Berlusconi and Berluscoland is at an historic high, no?

The new government was born in the house for sale, the exact opposite of a representative democracy. The people outside the rooms of the buttons and helpless and ignorant suffer the catastrophic Consequences of our politicians. If you still have doubts about the legitimacy of our institutions do not know what else needs to happen to shake your ass numb your conscience and tarnished.

spiandandosi A new DC is the way to another three decades of power. To Silvio Berlusconi at Palazzo Grazioli still two years and then we will be waiting for the chairs of the Quirinale (the real possibility of being for another 14 years chief dell'Italietta Democrat). In its place the rampant Casini, supported by the Vatican, the bankers and the lobby of building speculators.

A dictatorship built around a table. There is nothing better ...!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Jcpenney Salon Straightners

Paul and wisdom

Final Update: Paul also got it the victory of Spain. Okay, they have given to the celebrity, it means that we will use it for the next election (the exit waiting for him Paul)

Paul is the octopus in an aquarium housed German, but of Italian origins, that is catching all . The weather, of course, those of the results of the football World Cup. Two boxes are placed in the tub, with the colors of two teams that play and he should just go and eat in that corresponding to the winning team. Until now it has hit six out of six. Only missing the final.

What can I say? Paul is the cutest animal in the world. A relaxed face without drugs, intelligent look of one who sees little television, tentacles gently caress the world, that touch things without volersene hold. Maybe azzeccherà the last game, maybe not. I, if I were him, wrong on purpose, just not to put too much on display. The star system does not concern him, Paul is a serious person.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Alcohol Catering Laws

Kriterion Association, serving the family

I'm really happy to inform visitors of this blog with some colleagues we have founded the Association of Family and Personal Kriterion . The idea of \u200b\u200bthe Association was born from the desire to create a catalyst for resources to be made available to the family.

Kriterion in greek means the constellation of values \u200b\u200bthat need to be guided. In a society totally disoriented, which no longer knows where it came from nor where he was going, the Association offers its " Kriterion ": Family and Personal, rediscovered and protected in their objective truth.

The Association unites those who care the institution of the family because he understands that the welfare and happiness of the individual originating in it. In fact, moving through space development full humans in the natural context of the heart that is familiar.

Kriterion wants to spread culture to family health workers and information. He wants to offer support and training rooms for parents. Aims to promote prevention projects.

The first projects that we are making are two days of training for doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, endocrinologists. One, on 6 November, dedicated to headache and childhood obesity, one, November 27, which will discuss the management of religious issues in psychotherapy. We are also working on a project idea on alcoholism. Many other things will come. We hope to have many supporters and requests to join the Association. Not to get something in return (though services to members will be all right), but to actively contribute to a new renaissance of the family. This is the link to the website of the Association: http://www.associazionekriterion.it/

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Bubble Letters That Says Happy Birthday


in recent days has taken on the political agenda the approval of the bench so-called gag law on wiretaps, born to the creators of this law to curb abuses in the spirit of that survey methods can cause in reality I think that this Law is born with the deceptive pretext to restrict the freedom of information and de facto blocking a survey instrument to many uncomfortable ....
Here I published an article by Giuseppe D'Avanzo of La Repubblica, very cleverly and the mirror of my thoughts on this law fraud, please read and reflect.
"The agenda of priorities of Silvio Berlusconi continues to be a personal basis. Thus, the continuous recreation, pace Emma Marcegaglia. Business support and those who become unemployed? Can wait. For we must have sufficient , the premier, a couple of bells in the temple of cardboard door to door (June 4th): "Today there is no one missing the work is not helped by the state. There is a cash subsidy for temporary workers, as well as project workers. "Knight becomes less fanciful when it moves in its interest. Teme interceptions (one never knows, with that which combines the phone) and the fears chronicles how the devil holy water. It moves with more substance in these cases. First post-election news, then: the government requires the confidence the House today and will read the plan that decreases the effectiveness of the investigation, remove the duty of the record, destroy the right of citizens to be informed. With all due respect (again) the safety of the citizens of a country which forms 10 per cent of gross domestic product in the folds of crime, the investigation will come out thin, impoverished. Listening to telephone, environmental, by electronic means of gathering evidence is transformed into an instrument of strengthening and completion of a test already approved. An optional, so to speak. A string of requirements, motivations, collective decisions and new workloads will become sand in a rusty engine when the car approaching the saturation limit iustitiae decreed that the inability to celebrate the process, a process (this is becoming more cynical lens "reformer" of government). Again. Choke in sixty days the time limit of plays (further narrow: there was talk of three months) "frustrates the investigative efforts law enforcement and prosecution offices, "as unnecessarily warned the Council of the Judiciary.
OAS_RICH ('Middle');
system in this way the survey activities, the work could not be said to be finite even if information, the right / duty to record, he should pay the price. With a stroke of a pen the new law today that extends the rule of the secret court documents also acts no longer be confidential "to the conclusions preliminary investigation or until the end of the preliminary hearing. "Prior to this limit" will be banned from publication, even partial or summary of the documents or records of telephone conversations also if no longer be confidential. "You could say that it investigates a private hospital occupied by physicians who work obsessed by money, even if patients do not need. One can not say what the hell you live and which and how many pies organized by agreeing on the phone. You can only do a preliminary hearing completed (maybe). By the time the current Italian justice after four or six years. In some pathological cases, after ten. Farewell to journalism as a service to the reader and all ' public opinion. Goodbye to the news that allow you to observe closely how the powers, the state controls, the authorities and society. It is true, in some cases, the persistence in telling the opacity convinced of the power of journalism to go beyond the boundaries of the Criminal Code violate the secrecy. It is his job, after all, because press freedom is born in the interests of the governed and governors, and then there is no decent reason not to publish documents that tell the public about - remember a governor of the Bank ' Italy? - As a supervisor protects (or does not protect) the savings and the market. Of course breaking the law, even in the name of a professional duty, it means accepting the consequences. It is the consequences of violations (as yet commonly accepted) that the law of the government drops a hammer on press freedom. The reporters violate the order of silence will be suspended for three months by the Order of Journalists (this will be the real punishment) and undergo a criminal conviction from six months to three years in prison (which may turn into a fine, though). But this is not what really matters, I think. What do you want to be a fine, if you did a decent job? The government found that radically changes the rules of the game is another. It's the economic punishment imposed on the editor that, for each "failed control" will suffer a financial penalty (incarognita last text) from € 64,500 to 465mila. As to those who say that does not keep tight-lipped about what he knows - and that readers should know - will cost millions € per year of the violation of the "order of silence", notable figures, and in many cases, unsustainable for an industry that is not in good health. The legislative innovation - as we have already written - moves in a subtle and decisive line of the conflict. It was outside in the sunshine and undertook the preparation, the court, the readers. Become inside and sees a comparison, in a closed room, the editorial and publishing properties. The moves of the conflict found in the newspaper. The publisher now has its own self-interest to ensure that the newspaper does not publish more than chronicles. They bring out the properties to intervene directly in the content of editorial work. The calls you, willingly or unwilling to deal with the information concerning itself, which the acts of journalists. The government, in the draft sent to Parliament, even claims that the publisher should take "measures to promote the progress of journalism in the rule of law and promptly discover and eliminate risk situations." It is clear that only through continuous monitoring and a lot of journalistic procedure can "discover and quickly eliminating risk situations." In fact, the editor was invited to join the journalism and to express a union at their own protection. Here are the poisoned fruit of the law will be adopted today, without any discussion, Montecitorio: the judiciary will have fewer means to protect the country from crime and insecurity people everyday you punish journalists who do not keep your mouth shut even if they know how things go, it punishes the publisher pushing to get their hands invoice in the newspaper. And what matters most, you - dear readers - do not know most (if not a father died) to the stories that explain the country, the conduct of the men who govern it, the devices that decide of your own lives. These are the new rules a "recreation" that never ends. "

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Female Dog Peeing A Lot And Tired


In the recent case brought to the center of the scandal the Minister Scajola for sale with views of the famous Colosseum will surprise you, I sided with him, obviously not so much for the dark and murky affair estate and financial behind it but for the consequences that the minister has taken from them and that is, he resigned and so have taken the trouble as they should do all people of the state and with a public responsibility.
There are many examples of ministers, government officials that despite being caught with their hands in the cookie jar in fact as serious as calling for the implementation of some kind of conspiracy to evade justice and telling the victim of a plot, of course, understood this well glued to his chair.
Scajola school also has the right within the center, where the resignation for these type of events are a rare gem (Verdini, Bertolaso, Lease, Cosentino did not let go at all) and are an example of how a man was mistaken when it assumes the responsibility and will assume the consequences.
Moreover, in all European countries and Democrats would say that it always worked like this ... Who knows that after years and years we'll get to behave this way without seeing the devil in the courts every time.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Cold Sores On A Three Year Old

who won and who lost?

Recent regional elections have given us a situation in which all parties say they are satisfied with the results or at least not disappointed by their performance.
Bersani one hand underscores the fact that the center-left, however, numerically beat 7 to 6 for the center-right Berlusconi conquered regions and that the other relies on the fact that the center-right ripped a 4 ruled the regions where the first left.
Well to my way of seeing what can be considered satisfied relamente is the latter, that is, the Knight, who, sole ruler in Europe, was able to take in terms of votes and has not collapsed like Sarkozy in France, which has paid the very crisis that is sweeping the western world.
The amazing thing is that the Italian left has failed to intercept even at this time of general crisis, moods and feelings of people and lower middle class, leaving once again to Berlusconi's monopoly of certain subjects such as labor and immigration.
The left has lost its electorate and its social fabric, now the working class vote and PDL league for the most part, not Pd.
other hand, the left has paid the total inefficiency, to say the least ... and its local rulers such as Bassolino, Loiero and Marrazzo, and have rightly paid the duty in these regions.
Of note, the League and of course the tide in the North that led Cota Zaia in Piedmont and Veneto in the victory, the list of Beppe Grillo, who was allowed the luxury of contributing to the loss, resulting in fact decisive, in the Piedmont Bresso and two directors have elected their own regional in Piedmont and Emilia Romagna eEmilia reaching 7% consensus. The list of
Grillo was able to clot if part of the votes of disgruntled and disaffected from politics, eroding even votes from the Centre in particular.
For the future we will see if and how the left will rise again by yet another blow (in New York has managed to lose despite the missing list Polverini PDL!) And if the league who is now in the hands of the North will be able to implement most cases only those changes announced so far.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Evening Business Casual Attire


The recent story of the electoral lists and the consequent saving decree signed by Napolitano has highlighted several aspects, in my opinion very negative, which is worth looking at to understand the level of degeneration who reached the Italian political class as a whole.
there to be seen whether the laws and rules apply to all or to the powerful and the government for the usual suspects there is a special treatment and I'll explain: if an ordinary citizen comes late in a contest on ' estimated time of start you think you are readmitted to compete? If an ordinary citizen has the documentation required for a contract or for any public announcement out of time you think that its practice is taken into account? in both cases I would say no! Now there is to understand why, if those are the lists of the PDL out of time, however, they are saved and re-admitted with a special law made for a doc them. There is also saying that the latter showed a total lack of credibility and a loss that will weigh even on the electoral support of the regional People of Liberty, then glaring flaw in all respects.
Those who support the decree signed by Napolitano said that still was given the opportunity to vote to the voters of the PDL in both Lombardy and Lazio both, then the law and constitution which both flaunting Napolitano, almost like an oracle, and waste paper , since then even if a list for nominations is still in an irregular way .. readmitted to the face of democracy, democracy is made of rules and those who do not comply will pay the consequences, I am sorry to say but this time not Napolitano would sign the DL list and save the center-right voters who could not vote or that otherwise would not have had the opportunity to vote specifically for the PDL in the ballot paper should only blame the inability of leaders his party not to the left or who knows' who else.

Friday, February 5, 2010

How To Monogram A Cup

not shoot ZERO ON MORGAN

In my post I will address the issue that made headlines and shocked the well-meaning declarations of Morgan singer who has admitted to cocaine use years and believes that an element that allows to better deal with life or say that it still holds up in times of depression.
I state now that these statements "spot" for the drug are not in good taste and are a bad example for the youth that he wants to represent. But I
shock me much more for the fake virgins of the show have pointed out that Morgan as the absolute evil of society, as the symbol of deviance as if they knew that most of the stars of the music and entertainment make use of drugs not to mention even a slice of politicians. Here Morgan was wrong to declare those things, and that 's a minimum, but perhaps his crime was that he was too honest its weaknesses and its problems, the fury that has been shown against him is excessive and maybe even well-meaning those who now criticize him in the past have also made use of their drugs and other similar crap. If you do not want to
sanremo Morgan did not have to accept in the past even Vasco Rossi such as it is proven that he too was using drugs but the hypocrisy of some showbiz shuts his eyes to the business of economic faced with certain situations.
is preferred to choose a scapegoat, and crucify him to wash all his conscience, including the Rai that makes the moral of this episode but then sends TV at dinner scenes of war, sex and everything else which goes against the common morality.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Bread Recipe Severin Breadmaker

The UDC which side he is?

With the approach of regional elections to be held in next March, I would focus on the Pier Ferdinando Casini's party that will look at this electoral competition in a particular role, ie without the constraint of the coalition but allying patchy depending on various local and regional situations from time to time with the center or the center.
the UDC will happen then to see such an alliance with the League and against the League in Veneto and Piedmont in the center for example.
This behavior of a policy of "two ovens" was also the old practice of democracy Christian and we doubt that it will be implemented not just to be the balance but to form alliances with the governors as possible to winning the nomination and then share out the seats, eg, in Veneto is known that almost certainly will win the Zaia League, the UDC goes well with the center .... in the red region is likely to win the center-what? There is allied with the center! Leading to ambiguous grounds of such alliances variables that bipolarity is to change, that PD and PDL are parties who do not go well and making believe that the UDC could be true, praised the center of Italian politics.
But behaving like this, however, is strengthened so much deprecated by the bipolar Casini & C. It 'win hands down, allying with one another or with their PD and PDL, the hated enemy, this is the hypocrisy of the UDC that screaming against the League and then leans in Lombardy, if they really wanted to fight the two poles of the UDC was to field candidates of their own personal battle for governor's hated enemies, not allies with them ... this is a hypocritical attitude in my opinion that only hides the usual instinct for power and seats that pervades all parties in Italian politics.