Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Dragon Ball Yaoi Manga

A "Panorama" distressing

We missed the Panorama investigation on some failed homosexual priest who celebrates Mass during the day and night is between local streets in search of male companionship. How sad. certainly not new, we know that these things exist, but we can not settle everything with a simplistic: "They are men too, can have their weaknesses." Here it is worse, these are people that have been years to form, which should be submitted to the seriousness and responsibility of their role, who may go to their bishop and say, "I leave, I realize can not longer perform my job. "But they do not continue to turn from man to man, making compassion by those who pretend not to recognize them, soaked with sex addicts, so preoccupied with their fever could not even do the only act that he would return dignity to ask for help. Nobody has the right to judge, but the damage that these people are the Church and the world is enormous. It's fine for the pedophile priests, homosexual priests, the priests with his mistress, the priests who steal are always less than those who behave in a consistent, and I am convinced of this, but here at stake is the education system of a whole generation of priests. The Church must seriously question. The priesthood has been so trivialized and secularized in the Catholic priest that the strength of feeling say it's a man among men, not afraid to become a man with women, with men, or even with the children when his level of perversion overflows. I, the layman, I notice a crisis level by Allam red. The Pope is right when he says that the danger is not from outside but from within the Church. It will be necessary so long to get back a new priestly class, enthusiastic but practical, simple, yet prudent, caring for the poor, but even more attentive to the liturgy that speaks to announce or not to talk. And maybe the price to pay for it will be high.


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