Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Alcohol Catering Laws

Kriterion Association, serving the family

I'm really happy to inform visitors of this blog with some colleagues we have founded the Association of Family and Personal Kriterion . The idea of \u200b\u200bthe Association was born from the desire to create a catalyst for resources to be made available to the family.

Kriterion in greek means the constellation of values \u200b\u200bthat need to be guided. In a society totally disoriented, which no longer knows where it came from nor where he was going, the Association offers its " Kriterion ": Family and Personal, rediscovered and protected in their objective truth.

The Association unites those who care the institution of the family because he understands that the welfare and happiness of the individual originating in it. In fact, moving through space development full humans in the natural context of the heart that is familiar.

Kriterion wants to spread culture to family health workers and information. He wants to offer support and training rooms for parents. Aims to promote prevention projects.

The first projects that we are making are two days of training for doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, endocrinologists. One, on 6 November, dedicated to headache and childhood obesity, one, November 27, which will discuss the management of religious issues in psychotherapy. We are also working on a project idea on alcoholism. Many other things will come. We hope to have many supporters and requests to join the Association. Not to get something in return (though services to members will be all right), but to actively contribute to a new renaissance of the family. This is the link to the website of the Association: http://www.associazionekriterion.it/


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