Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Bubble Letters That Says Happy Birthday


in recent days has taken on the political agenda the approval of the bench so-called gag law on wiretaps, born to the creators of this law to curb abuses in the spirit of that survey methods can cause in reality I think that this Law is born with the deceptive pretext to restrict the freedom of information and de facto blocking a survey instrument to many uncomfortable ....
Here I published an article by Giuseppe D'Avanzo of La Repubblica, very cleverly and the mirror of my thoughts on this law fraud, please read and reflect.
"The agenda of priorities of Silvio Berlusconi continues to be a personal basis. Thus, the continuous recreation, pace Emma Marcegaglia. Business support and those who become unemployed? Can wait. For we must have sufficient , the premier, a couple of bells in the temple of cardboard door to door (June 4th): "Today there is no one missing the work is not helped by the state. There is a cash subsidy for temporary workers, as well as project workers. "Knight becomes less fanciful when it moves in its interest. Teme interceptions (one never knows, with that which combines the phone) and the fears chronicles how the devil holy water. It moves with more substance in these cases. First post-election news, then: the government requires the confidence the House today and will read the plan that decreases the effectiveness of the investigation, remove the duty of the record, destroy the right of citizens to be informed. With all due respect (again) the safety of the citizens of a country which forms 10 per cent of gross domestic product in the folds of crime, the investigation will come out thin, impoverished. Listening to telephone, environmental, by electronic means of gathering evidence is transformed into an instrument of strengthening and completion of a test already approved. An optional, so to speak. A string of requirements, motivations, collective decisions and new workloads will become sand in a rusty engine when the car approaching the saturation limit iustitiae decreed that the inability to celebrate the process, a process (this is becoming more cynical lens "reformer" of government). Again. Choke in sixty days the time limit of plays (further narrow: there was talk of three months) "frustrates the investigative efforts law enforcement and prosecution offices, "as unnecessarily warned the Council of the Judiciary.
OAS_RICH ('Middle');
system in this way the survey activities, the work could not be said to be finite even if information, the right / duty to record, he should pay the price. With a stroke of a pen the new law today that extends the rule of the secret court documents also acts no longer be confidential "to the conclusions preliminary investigation or until the end of the preliminary hearing. "Prior to this limit" will be banned from publication, even partial or summary of the documents or records of telephone conversations also if no longer be confidential. "You could say that it investigates a private hospital occupied by physicians who work obsessed by money, even if patients do not need. One can not say what the hell you live and which and how many pies organized by agreeing on the phone. You can only do a preliminary hearing completed (maybe). By the time the current Italian justice after four or six years. In some pathological cases, after ten. Farewell to journalism as a service to the reader and all ' public opinion. Goodbye to the news that allow you to observe closely how the powers, the state controls, the authorities and society. It is true, in some cases, the persistence in telling the opacity convinced of the power of journalism to go beyond the boundaries of the Criminal Code violate the secrecy. It is his job, after all, because press freedom is born in the interests of the governed and governors, and then there is no decent reason not to publish documents that tell the public about - remember a governor of the Bank ' Italy? - As a supervisor protects (or does not protect) the savings and the market. Of course breaking the law, even in the name of a professional duty, it means accepting the consequences. It is the consequences of violations (as yet commonly accepted) that the law of the government drops a hammer on press freedom. The reporters violate the order of silence will be suspended for three months by the Order of Journalists (this will be the real punishment) and undergo a criminal conviction from six months to three years in prison (which may turn into a fine, though). But this is not what really matters, I think. What do you want to be a fine, if you did a decent job? The government found that radically changes the rules of the game is another. It's the economic punishment imposed on the editor that, for each "failed control" will suffer a financial penalty (incarognita last text) from € 64,500 to 465mila. As to those who say that does not keep tight-lipped about what he knows - and that readers should know - will cost millions € per year of the violation of the "order of silence", notable figures, and in many cases, unsustainable for an industry that is not in good health. The legislative innovation - as we have already written - moves in a subtle and decisive line of the conflict. It was outside in the sunshine and undertook the preparation, the court, the readers. Become inside and sees a comparison, in a closed room, the editorial and publishing properties. The moves of the conflict found in the newspaper. The publisher now has its own self-interest to ensure that the newspaper does not publish more than chronicles. They bring out the properties to intervene directly in the content of editorial work. The calls you, willingly or unwilling to deal with the information concerning itself, which the acts of journalists. The government, in the draft sent to Parliament, even claims that the publisher should take "measures to promote the progress of journalism in the rule of law and promptly discover and eliminate risk situations." It is clear that only through continuous monitoring and a lot of journalistic procedure can "discover and quickly eliminating risk situations." In fact, the editor was invited to join the journalism and to express a union at their own protection. Here are the poisoned fruit of the law will be adopted today, without any discussion, Montecitorio: the judiciary will have fewer means to protect the country from crime and insecurity people everyday you punish journalists who do not keep your mouth shut even if they know how things go, it punishes the publisher pushing to get their hands invoice in the newspaper. And what matters most, you - dear readers - do not know most (if not a father died) to the stories that explain the country, the conduct of the men who govern it, the devices that decide of your own lives. These are the new rules a "recreation" that never ends. "


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