Saturday, October 11, 2008
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Funny Save The Date Saying
Sunday, September 14, 2008
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Compensation / classification: will be communicated during the interview.
Contact person: Federico Iole
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Saturday, August 30, 2008
Age Of Empires 1 Without Cd
here are the first indications for the organization of
Rome on October 2,
near the
Ministry of Education from 9.00
To facilitate participation in the event we are organizing contacts ANIEF
Abruzzo, for all three locations SSIS Abruzzo
bus that will follow these routes (for details
give more information later): A24
: Teramo - L'Aquila - Roma return
A25 Pescara - Sulmona and / or Avezzano - Rome and back
A25: Chieti - Sulmona or Avezzano - Rome and back
The fee for buses is € 22.00 per person
Please communicate quickly your pre
contacting the contacts of the training groups and an indirect reply to this email.
please indicate: Name, email, phone, group training
indirect and city where you would like to take the bus (Teramo, L'Aquila,
Pescara, Chieti, Avezzano, Sulmona).
Andriani Group: Roberta Bonaldi
Bear Group: Letizia Di Bono Cetrullo
Group: Enrica Della Pelle Di Giandomenico
Group: Martina Miera
Marino Group: Francesca Romana Lo Sordo
Melchiorre Group: Doris Monopoly
Group Nori: Patrick Viscardi Petricola
Group: Linda Tanturri
Group Iezzi A61: Antonella Muzi
Group Humanities: Andrea Di Tizio
Group D'Antonio: Maria Clara Cantera
Iarlori Group: Francesca Tosone
Group Campitelli Laura Rapagnano
Group Di Felice: Emanuela Bonanni
Group Traini: Nicola Di Luca Fallacara
Group: Pasquale De Rosa
Pelino Group: Maria Loreta Montagliani
Group Ascione A017: Maria Assunta Di Pietro
Payment of
The departure of buses and their numbers are dependent on the number of accessions and
by September 15 ,
date on which we confirm the rental firm.
Apart justified absences for serious reasons, if no
number of accessions to fill and run "at least" three buses from all over the Abruzzo
means that we deserve to stay out of the rankings
because we do not care about our future and our sacrifices. September is a month
difficult to organize because of the very few occasions that there will be
to meet in person, I ask you to
be fast and cooperative.
1) delivery of the share to contact your group training in
at the first meeting of training indirectly.
I contacted my supervisor and manager training indirectly. Most of the early
meetings should be held in the second week of September
, will soon be published calendars.
2) delivery of the share to the referent of a different set of training
at the first meeting of indirect placement of this group.
This mode is valid in particular for people of Chieti and Pescara
area that may have the first meeting of training over
September 15. I (group Nori), I'll be at school Midnight
Chieti September 11 (in the case, check your calendar, because
information is still unofficial).
3) for special cases, or different from 1) and 2), contact me personally.
Because everyone does not regularly check e-mail and I do not
mails anief non-members, please do circulate this
information (in addition to the usual forwarding groups by
referent group) by telephone between you. Thank you all.
add: For those in Puglia and Calabria can contact
p.derosa @ these days I'll take agreements for the SISS of these regions so that there
join them.
For payment, confirmation of accession for those who will not walk in Chieti and Pescara can be made by crediting the POSTEPAY Patrick. I do not run away with assurances that the money! Seriously I think an easier way to transfer money.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
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Damiana Today our colleague sent me an e-mail states that I have something of the absurd:
I refer to special courses enabling, former DM 85/2005, are enabling new graduates without ssis.
So far no problems ... It 's another way to access ... allowing certification and entry in the beams to the condition that the persons concerned have at least 360 days. Extra ...
BUT THIS IS FRAUD (it's a scam known by trade unions and associations):
"What did they do many of our colleagues?
Without having taught for 360 days in the case of A019 class without having passed the necessary examinations of economy, and even having graduated after June 6, 2004, ie after the deadline required for admission to the course, were excluded, and against the measure of exclusion, have appealed to the TAR of Lazio, requesting a precautionary measure to be able to attend the course of the final exam and licensing in the course of the proceedings.
Well, dear colleagues, while we are on hold for two years at the various SSIS of Italy, without any hope of being placed on a list, these our most clever (but not too much) colleagues have obtained the acceptance of the instance supervision . In other words, more in the course of the substantive proceedings before the Lazio Regional Administrative Court, the same Tar allowed them to attend these courses, even in total absence of legal requirements, and enable in 10 months, attending a course that takes place only once a week !!!!!!
Now, all of them are placed in the rankings of The band (except those from which we are to speak), albeit with reservations. That is, until the Tar definitely not give an opinion on the merits, accepting or rejecting their request, they are entitled, subject to hours, and if the Tar, as it is very likely to happen, will host a final recourse, I will remain in band, or rather list are exhausted without reservation. In short
are to legitimize the final entry in the lists are exhausted (I repeat: those from which we, after 2 years we will be excluded SSIS) thousands of colleagues, who ride with the Italian bureaucratic system does not meet the requirements of the law.
Once dissolved the reservation, and I fear that is what is going to happen, all of them before us.
Repetita iuvant: there are "bypassing" or better in the rankings are definitely going to collapse, thousands more who, without having passed the entrance examination to SSIS without having completed 360 days of supply, without adequately plan studies to the current legislation, ie without having passed the examinations more hours required in addition graduating, to teach many subjects, they have passed a course (open, ie, access to which there are no selective testing) by 10 months.
I say to you and say to me: SISSINI WAKE UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Damiana "
Sunday, August 24, 2008
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Opening a nursery is in effect engaging in an activity business, which involves finding suitable premises, personnel and regulated child care in the smallest details.
In Italy, the nurseries are 3008 and 732 supplementary educational services to which almost 70% in public ownership (data from the National Center for Documentation and Analysis of Children and Adolescents). Despite the improvement of supply gaps in services are still many, especially for facilities that house the children under three years old, who can not even go to kindergarten and who remained out of public ranking in the nests.
However it is not difficult undertaking. Let's see how. The new opportunities in the field of childcare are very numerous. Kindergarten in the workplace, the baby parking condominium, home from kindergarten to micronido in the country. The new formulas offer quality services and flexible schedules: all at prices that are prohibitive, often with the help of the formula franchise, or a familiar brand that generally digits below the do-it-yourself provides name (very important !), guarantees, insurance, consultants for start-up, furniture and everything you need to get started. The leader in this area is BabyWorld, with offices in almost all of Italy. (Baby World Srl - Via Pietro Gaggia, 1 / A - 20139 Milano)
Furthermore, with the possibility to take advantage of government grants or corporate ones (in the case of corporate nests), we are able to reduce investment to boot. For example, for anyone starting a small nest in the house is not even necessary to set up a (usually co-operative or partnership) but enough to have a VAT number and sign up as helpers all'lnps childhood. Provided you have, of course, just the titles (see below).
should also be noted that many also provide for the common formula " Asylum home, often partly financed with European funds or funds for the small business development. For these projects must inquire directly at the door of his community because of Productive Activities and funding projects vary greatly from one area to another.
The kindergarten is an educational facility that caters to children aged between 3 months and 3 years, which should ensure the implementation of an educational program, the leisure time, food intake and the rest of the afternoon.
Municipalities, after verification of the quality standards required by the law, deal with the 'Accreditation of private nurseries that require it, recognizing the quality services. The authorization is given by the ATM for Productive Activities, with a deadline three years later. At the same ATM for Productive Activities you inform your local authority which would require the opening of private nurseries (which vary from municipality to municipality).
So before you have to consider, the better to hear what are the constraints and municipal regulations.
To open a private nursery is essential that educators are in possession of one of the following professional qualifications or qualifications:
1) high school maturity socio-psycho- teaching;
2) manager of community child;
3) kindergarten teacher;
4) social service providers;
5) assistant community child
6) masterful maturity;
7) technical services industry;
8) for the master early childhood education;
9) university degree pedagogical
AND 'EXCLUDED degree in psychology.
If you do not have these qualifications, you can open as holder, taking as a teacher or director who holds one of the qualifications mentioned above.
Technical, structural, qualitative and sanitation:
1) A minimum 19 to a maximum of 50 children;
2) In special cases, the figure may be between 6 and 18 children;
3) Size of the structure in accordance with the standards set by No DPGR 47 / R / 2003;
4) Minimum of 42 weeks of opening in a year, at least 5 days a week;
5) A minimum of 6 to a maximum of 11 hours in a day aprtura;
6) Minimum 6 sqm indoor children hosted
7) The outside should cover an area no less than the children's area within the premises. The sanitary facilities and premises for the exchange shall not be less than eight square meters
To renew the authorization of nursery:
1) the same requirements for the issue;
2) certification that the structure has not changed;
How should the local nursery places are located in buildings used exclusively for that, provided the usability / habitability.
main interior spaces
generic services - kitchens
- spaces for children
- spaces intended for professionals and parents
To apply: Contact your
City, ATM productive activities with details the requirements. The following are the general requirements
The permit lasts three years and may be void:
1) when they violate the contractual obligations towards staff;
2) if the certificates are not the requirements for the issue;
The application must be delivered by:
- postage by recorded rdt;
- direct delivery to the door of Productive Activities.
- two copies of the education project;
- three copies of plans in scale 1 / 100 with an indication of the local furniture;
- Application form downloaded from the Forms;
- two copies of the layout of the system wastewater, with a precise indication of septic tanks or other wastewater treatment plants;
- three copies of compliance report removal of architectural barriers rules (Law No. 13/89; DM 236/89; Law n.104/92)
- two copies of the Rules of Procedure;
- three copies of certificate issued by the Provincial Command Fire Prevention Fire Department;
- Identity Card of the signatory;
- For non-EU citizens need a copy of the permit.
- three copies of the description of the year;
- three copies of the documentation of estimates of noise impact art. 8, par 4 L. 447/95;
- three copies of the declaration of conformity according to Law 16/90 or certificate of technical equipment;
When you withdraw the licenses allowed:
- stamp 14,62 Euro
Saturday, August 23, 2008
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Dear all,
those of you who has kept up to date via internet
know that July was a month full of events for our situation.
July 15 (during the conversion into law a decree
milleproroghe): An amendment in favor of inclusion in our rankings
insertion, drafted and promoted dall'ANIEF,
was presented to the Senate from both the right (Di Stefano - Valditara;
Di Stefano is in Chieti and we have contacted us) is from the left
(Rusconi - Legnini, it is also of Chieti
and we have contacted us). Both political parties of the Senate were then
initially favorable to the amendment, except that the
undersecretary of the Ministry of Education, at the time of the vote,
has expressed his opposition by arguing that the resolution of our problem is attributable
the ministry and should be resolved with a
"measure organic." At that point the majority did not consider
should go against the government, the amendment tabled by left-wing senators
was rejected while the right was turned into a
agenda of the Senate agrees to be integrated into the Ministry
July 24: Minister Gelmini is in. (announced) to "Radio
, too," transmission Radiorai 1. From the mailing list and dell'ANIEF
the forum
< > part of a bombing
mail address through which the transmission is
guests can make requests. The conductor, citing dozens of emails,
"forces" literally Gelmini to express themselves, and clearly, on the ninth cycle
SSIS. Gelmini says he's willing to
entered on the list.
July 29: A delegation is dell'ANIEF
been audited by the Commission for Education and Culture of the Senate on measures on
school and universities, including the suspension of the tenth cycle SSIS contained in
Bill 112, which is the infamous Planning Document, the document
economic and financial planning which provides three-year, to cite only
the most dramatic cuts in the school of € 8 billion by
achieve the reduction of more than 90,000 teaching posts (many of which support
) by increasing the ratio of pupils / teachers and
closure of many small village schools. During the hearing,
very long, senators Valditara Rusconi and returned to the problem of the ninth cycle and
events of July 15 (making of our problem unfortunately
political battleground). The senators and a dry Valditara
informed that a ministerial committee is working
fix the problem of the ninth cycle. The second proved to be more skeptical
on the reopening of the rankings for us (although
one of the senators who signed the agenda of the Senate in our favor ...
appears from the Senate the previous day (July 28) that the
Gelmini, audited by the Commission itself education and culture, has
reported that the committee was also considering cases "alternative" to our entry
on the list and cited the possibility of
use them (all from Italy ... and 11,830) to support courses in
four regions (Campania, Puglia, Calabria, Sicily) who gave the lowest to the test results
OECD-PISA ( !!!!!!!!!!). The same
the senators pointed out that the project is "difficult to achieve"
(elegant euphemism for "bullshit"). This serves to make us understand the level of the commission and ambiguity of
July 30: In the vote of the Bill 112, members of the PD
Cultural Committee of the House, whose parent company was contacted
dall'ANIEF, shall approve a different agenda for us
similar to that presented by the right in the Senate.
August 5: 112 is the bill finally voted on and approved. The SSIS
is suspended and, considering that the right wants to reform the system
teacher training, one can say with almost absolute certainty that
will never be activated. This means that we, once approved,
we have the opportunity to do courses or to support or additional semesters
to exploit the abilities, then that will be lost (
I refer in particular to the colleagues of the linguistic and literary).
To all this must be added the fact that groups of temporary workers who do not want
new "competitors" in the rankings are now working to defend
by an extension or to make sure that we come at the very
longer in a "fourth class" (ie a death sentence, in defiance of all our sacrifices
) created specifically for us. For all this the
ANIEF has called for a demonstration on October 2 in Rome for national
CYCLE IN RANK SSIS and equal SSIS previous cycles.
And 'our duty, if we keep to ourselves, AND PARTICIPATE IN MANY.
very few days I will send you another mail with finer details
organization of the event. Keep
also informed through the blog dell'ANIEF < >
. To be in contact with other nonociclisti
and receive answers to questions and concerns we have a forum with free registration < > and, for
ANIEF members, the mailing list .
I ask, as usual, referring to groups internship indirect
forward this mail to groups so that it reaches even to people who are not members
ANIEF (think again ... there is no one else is doing something
for the ninth cycle and the association is acting ... even for those who
is not in writing), of which I have no email address.
Patrick Petricola
Saturday, August 9, 2008
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Tres Marias
the table: and then say that we are not Christians
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
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Wednesday, July 23, 2008
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Gelmini: SSIS
also launched last year are at risk.
What sense does it take courses with the rankings now closed?
APCOM , 07/22/2008
July 22 (AP) - The training cycle of SSIS, the graduate schools to become teachers in secondary schools, was launched last year may not go to completion. To say today was the Minister of the Ministry of Education, Mariastella Gelmini, during a hearing in the Senate. "We have a duty moral not to create more precarious, so we locked the SSIS - Gelmini said the members of the Committee on Culture - what is the point investing money to attend a course (between 2,500 and 3,000 € in all Editor's note) to lists closed? "
So nothingtenth year and most of all, this is new, the ninth becomes at risk: "I appointed a commission on purpose - Gelmini said - to see if there is a chance to put all those other students (over 11,000 ndr ) that are beginning the second year of the ninth round.
"We are very sensitive to insecurity - concluded the Minister the Ministry of Education - but this way you could not go any further: among other things, our decision has led to the disagreement of some parties who benefited from nearly a decade of ministerial funds to start courses. But we could not do otherwise to keep the system alive. "
training obligation, the minister recalled that" remains at 16 years, "stressing that the only change is that" to fulfill the obligation even in vocational training centers. "The government then will not touch, assured Gelmini, the total staff of teachers support:" The number will remain unchanged - the minister said - trying to keep there is always a ratio of one teacher in front of two students with disabilities. "
Gelmini spent then for positive words" of the Italian language courses and cultural mediators to improve the integration of foreign students "and for the education of Roma children, "we are preparing a plan through the census, the observatory and the aid of families will lead us to raise the number of Roma pupils' attendance in class.
last stop on the sport at school: first I think it's important to check the collapse of structures at risk and no teachers would do well to focus first on physical culture and only secondarily joke about the racing.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Why Do Ppl Have Numbers Before There Statuses ?
Almost certainly the X lock loop.
We are one step ...
and what is more important is that so many pressures
depart from SSIS CHIETI
A salute to the "minds" andrea, patrick, etc..
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Friday, July 11, 2008
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CAN 'SEND ME AN E-MAIL: p.derosa @
Thursday, June 19, 2008
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"First they came for the gypsies, and I was happy because pilfered.
Then they came for the Jews and I said nothing because I was unsympathetic.
Then they came for the homosexuals and I was relieved because I was annoying.
Then they came for the Communists and I did not say anything because I was not a Communist.
One day they came for me and there was nobody left to protest. "
(Bertolt Brecht)
Sunday, June 15, 2008
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Abbey Style beer, beer (abbey, abbaye) indicating its own style of Belgium beer that is produced according to recipes that are based on those ancient monasteries. Ex Grimbergen.
Ale generic name to describe the beers of high fermentation, indicates, however, strictly speaking, those produced in the United Kingdom.
Barley wine literally "barley wine" means beer with a strong alcohol content, particularly rich and structured, with a typical copper color. Fuller's Ex Golden Pride.
Belgian Ale ale Indicates generically produced in Belgium. This style products are made from very different.
Berliner Weisse Wheat beer typical of Berlin, of dull color and un'alcolicità between 3 and 4%.
Bière de Garde beer is brewed in the north of France, amber and generally high fermentation. They are very often slightly sweet and a little 'fruity. Bitter ale
The most classic English ale. Amber, the pronounced hop character, and around 5% alcohol. Eg John Bull, London Pride.
Blanche in French indicates a style typical of wheat beers of Belgium and Northern France. Bock
Term used in Germany to indicate lager characterized by a high alcohol content.
English Brown ale is slightly sweet, lightly hopped and dark amber color. Equipped with a good structure, is mostly limited to 5% alcohol.
Cream Stout Irish stout version of London, is distinguished by a softer and less bitter taste. Eg Allsopp's Cream Stout. Term
Continental lager beers lager in England shows not produced at home.
Doppelbock Double Doppel = Indicates more alcoholic beer of bock, dark and very often made with malt especially toasted.
Double Malt Italian legal category that means beer with an alcohol content higher than 14.5 degrees Plato. Defines rather alcoholic beers while not necessarily indicate the use of malt of special quality. Dortmunder Lager
good structure and malty character with about 5% alcohol. Typical Dortmund.
Double / Dubbel Belgian Ale, usually amber, very often abbey beer. Not particularly alcohol, for its category, is produced with a large amount of malt. Ex Grimbergen Double.
Dunkel does not indicate a proper style but the color of a dark German beer. Export Definition
not identifiable, generally indicates a lager beer created for export, as the clear British born to be exported, as the British national drink lager but only continental lager.
Framboise / Frambozen Lambic spontaneous fermentation with the addition of raspberries during fermentation.
Guez "Blend" lambic made of different age, even for years in barrels, usually oak or oak. It 's a very complex beer taste sour and deliberately unbalanced. Indicates a
Hefe Weisse wheat beer with yeast present. Ex Prinzregent.
Ice beer style inspired by traditional eisbock. Beer taken from a part of the aqueous component and therefore more concentrated in alcohol and flavors.
India pale ale for export IPAInglese born, describes a more alcoholic and hoppy pale ale.
Kölsch beer of high fermentation typical of Cologne. Clear, light in taste and with about 3% alcohol.
Kriek Lambic Belgian spontaneous fermentation with the addition of cherries during fermentation.
Lager generic definition for bottom-fermented beers. It is also used to define less hoppy ales of pils. Lambic Beer
wheat spontaneous fermentation.
Light beer to Italian law is a beer with un'alcolicità between 5 and 11 degrees Plato or, approximately, between 2 and 4% vol. alc.
Marzen Lager German amber color, quite malty and well hopped. Traditionally produced in March, hence the name, is served in October.
English Mild ale typically dark amber. Directed more towards the aromas of malt hops, un'alcolicità has close to 3.5%.
Münchner Specialty Monaco, is a rather malty dark lager with about 5% alcohol.
Octoberfestbier Bavarian beer was produced at dell'Ocktoberfest the style Marzen, without being filtered and pasteurized. This beer is almost impossible to find. A Magliano Sabina (RI) in August is held a festival called "Beer Only" of this particular beer come every year from 2000 liters Germany.
English Pale ale not much alcohol and hop character, is distinguished from the bitter to the amber color with orange highlights.
Pils / Pilsner / Pilsener bottom-fermenting lager from the city of Pilsen (Czech Republic). Today is indicative of a well-hopped lager, and is produced all over the world.
Porter's original high fermentation beer in London, similar to but slightly less dark stout and bitter. Defines a category
Premium Italian commercial. Should indicate a higher quality product.
Scotch Ale Ale produced in Scotland. It is often strong and dark. Special Category
Italian legal beer with an alcohol indicates that Plato is not less than 12.5.
Stout Irish stout made with roasted malts and characterized by a very particular aroma and a creamy head. Normally not much alcohol also provides substyles as milk, cream, and dry oatmeal (made with oats).
Strong Ale Indica, in the Anglo-Saxon world, very alcoholic ale. In the Scandinavian countries may also refer a bottom-fermented beers (in this case ale comes from 'ol "," OL "or" olut "meaning" beer ").
Strong Lager Lager high alcohol content.
Trappist / Trappist / Trappist beer brewed by Trappist monks directly .
Triple / Tripel Belgian ale, usually clear, high-alcohol, which undergoes three fermentations in a bottle or keg. It is almost always an abbey beer.
Vienna bottom-fermenting beer to light amber color, native to 'Austria.
Weisse / Weizen German term to indicate a wheat beer.
Weizenbock particularly structured dark wheat beer. A cross between a weizen, of course, and a bock.
White / Wit In English, Flemish or wheat beers.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Monday, June 9, 2008
Sunday, June 8, 2008
How Someone Slip Into A Coma
Why complementareNel security reform our country in recent decades have better lives and more. It greatly increased the elderly population, while fewer children are born. You then pay pensions to more people for longer. To keep the pension system in balance has been necessary as a result of various reforms such as pensions of future retirees will be less generous than those paid to workers who retired recently. The difference will be felt especially by the workers entered the labor market after 1 January 1996 or a few years of service to that date. An example may serve to clarify the situation. Consider the case of three female employees. All start work at 25 years and retire at 60. Assuming a salary the same, the only difference is the year of birth: Adele was born in 1950, Beatrice in 1965 and Clare in 1980. Today, all receive a gross income of 20,000 €. At 60 years, their pension may be estimated as follows.
Adele Beatrice Chiara
salary calculation system Contribution
Mixed Age / Year
60 / 2010
60 / 2025
60 / 2040
Income 20,807 28,005
37,690 13,965 Pension
16,758 21,346 Pension Value / Income
67% 60% 57%
all figures are gross of taxation and inflation after eliminating
wages are calculated:
the past, based on of the historical
compensation of employees for the future, we imagine growth after inflation of 2%
the growth rate of inflation used in the calculations for the future is assumed 2% growth rate
Real GDP is projected at 1, 5% per annum
the transformation coefficients applied to the component contributions are indicated by L. 335/95, no update hypothesized to allow workers to have, even during retirement, income is not too different from what had during their working life, the law came into force on 1 January 2007, aims to develop a pension system based on two "pillars": the first is the compulsory insurance (paid by INPS, Inpdap, professional speakers, etc..) and provides the basic pension and the second is the complementary pensions whose purpose is to pay pensions in addition to those security public. The membership of complementary pension schemes will be critical to ensure tomorrow's elderly pensions of an appropriate and a life more serene and peaceful.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
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(Oscar Wilde )