Sunday, August 24, 2008

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advice, unnecessary, serious, teasing in '... (Who knows): Open a nursery

Opening a nursery is in effect engaging in an activity business, which involves finding suitable premises, personnel and regulated child care in the smallest details.
In Italy, the nurseries are 3008 and 732 supplementary educational services to which almost 70% in public ownership (data from the National Center for Documentation and Analysis of Children and Adolescents). Despite the improvement of supply gaps in services are still many, especially for facilities that house the children under three years old, who can not even go to kindergarten and who remained out of public ranking in the nests.

However it is not difficult undertaking. Let's see how. The new opportunities in the field of childcare are very numerous. Kindergarten in the workplace, the baby parking condominium, home from kindergarten to micronido in the country. The new formulas offer quality services and flexible schedules: all at prices that are prohibitive, often with the help of the formula franchise, or a familiar brand that generally digits below the do-it-yourself provides name (very important !), guarantees, insurance, consultants for start-up, furniture and everything you need to get started. The leader in this area is BabyWorld, with offices in almost all of Italy. (Baby World Srl - Via Pietro Gaggia, 1 / A - 20139 Milano)

Furthermore, with the possibility to take advantage of government grants or corporate ones (in the case of corporate nests), we are able to reduce investment to boot. For example, for anyone starting a small nest in the house is not even necessary to set up a (usually co-operative or partnership) but enough to have a VAT number and sign up as helpers all'lnps childhood. Provided you have, of course, just the titles (see below).

should also be noted that many also provide for the common formula " Asylum home, often partly financed with European funds or funds for the small business development. For these projects must inquire directly at the door of his community because of Productive Activities and funding projects vary greatly from one area to another.


The kindergarten is an educational facility that caters to children aged between 3 months and 3 years, which should ensure the implementation of an educational program, the leisure time, food intake and the rest of the afternoon.
Municipalities, after verification of the quality standards required by the law, deal with the 'Accreditation of private nurseries that require it, recognizing the quality services. The authorization is given by the ATM for Productive Activities, with a deadline three years later. At the same ATM for Productive Activities you inform your local authority which would require the opening of private nurseries (which vary from municipality to municipality).
So before you have to consider, the better to hear what are the constraints and municipal regulations.


To open a private nursery is essential that educators are in possession of one of the following professional qualifications or qualifications:

1) high school maturity socio-psycho- teaching;
2) manager of community child;
3) kindergarten teacher;
4) social service providers;
5) assistant community child
6) masterful maturity;
7) technical services industry;
8) for the master early childhood education;
9) university degree pedagogical

AND 'EXCLUDED degree in psychology.

If you do not have these qualifications, you can open as holder, taking as a teacher or director who holds one of the qualifications mentioned above.


Technical, structural, qualitative and sanitation:
1) A minimum 19 to a maximum of 50 children;
2) In special cases, the figure may be between 6 and 18 children;
3) Size of the structure in accordance with the standards set by No DPGR 47 / R / 2003;
4) Minimum of 42 weeks of opening in a year, at least 5 days a week;
5) A minimum of 6 to a maximum of 11 hours in a day aprtura;
6) Minimum 6 sqm indoor children hosted
7) The outside should cover an area no less than the children's area within the premises. The sanitary facilities and premises for the exchange shall not be less than eight square meters

To renew the authorization of nursery:
1) the same requirements for the issue;
2) certification that the structure has not changed;

How should the local nursery places are located in buildings used exclusively for that, provided the usability / habitability.

main interior spaces
generic services - kitchens
- spaces for children
- spaces intended for professionals and parents

To apply: Contact your

City, ATM productive activities with details the requirements. The following are the general requirements

The permit lasts three years and may be void:
1) when they violate the contractual obligations towards staff;
2) if the certificates are not the requirements for the issue;

The application must be delivered by:
- postage by recorded rdt;
- direct delivery to the door of Productive Activities.

- two copies of the education project;
- three copies of plans in scale 1 / 100 with an indication of the local furniture;
- Application form downloaded from the Forms;
- two copies of the layout of the system wastewater, with a precise indication of septic tanks or other wastewater treatment plants;
- three copies of compliance report removal of architectural barriers rules (Law No. 13/89; DM 236/89; Law n.104/92)
- two copies of the Rules of Procedure;
- three copies of certificate issued by the Provincial Command Fire Prevention Fire Department;
- Identity Card of the signatory;
- For non-EU citizens need a copy of the permit.
- three copies of the description of the year;
- three copies of the documentation of estimates of noise impact art. 8, par 4 L. 447/95;
- three copies of the declaration of conformity according to Law 16/90 or certificate of technical equipment;

When you withdraw the licenses allowed:
- stamp 14,62 Euro


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