Saturday, August 23, 2008

Lauren London Weaveultra Twin Hair

IMPORTANT INFORMATION. (From email to Patrick)

Dear all,

those of you who has kept up to date via internet
know that July was a month full of events for our situation.

July 15 (during the conversion into law a decree
milleproroghe): An amendment in favor of inclusion in our rankings
insertion, drafted and promoted dall'ANIEF,
was presented to the Senate from both the right (Di Stefano - Valditara;
Di Stefano is in Chieti and we have contacted us) is from the left
(Rusconi - Legnini, it is also of Chieti
and we have contacted us). Both political parties of the Senate were then
initially favorable to the amendment, except that the
undersecretary of the Ministry of Education, at the time of the vote,
has expressed his opposition by arguing that the resolution of our problem is attributable
the ministry and should be resolved with a
"measure organic." At that point the majority did not consider
should go against the government, the amendment tabled by left-wing senators
was rejected while the right was turned into a
agenda of the Senate agrees to be integrated into the Ministry

July 24: Minister Gelmini is in. (announced) to "Radio
, too," transmission Radiorai 1. From the mailing list and dell'ANIEF
the forum
< > part of a bombing
mail address through which the transmission is
guests can make requests. The conductor, citing dozens of emails,
"forces" literally Gelmini to express themselves, and clearly, on the ninth cycle
SSIS. Gelmini says he's willing to
entered on the list.

July 29: A delegation is dell'ANIEF
been audited by the Commission for Education and Culture of the Senate on measures on
school and universities, including the suspension of the tenth cycle SSIS contained in
Bill 112, which is the infamous Planning Document, the document
economic and financial planning which provides three-year, to cite only
the most dramatic cuts in the school of € 8 billion by
achieve the reduction of more than 90,000 teaching posts (many of which support
) by increasing the ratio of pupils / teachers and
closure of many small village schools. During the hearing,
very long, senators Valditara Rusconi and returned to the problem of the ninth cycle and
events of July 15 (making of our problem unfortunately
political battleground). The senators and a dry Valditara
informed that a ministerial committee is working
fix the problem of the ninth cycle. The second proved to be more skeptical
on the reopening of the rankings for us (although
one of the senators who signed the agenda of the Senate in our favor ...

appears from the Senate the previous day (July 28) that the
Gelmini, audited by the Commission itself education and culture, has
reported that the committee was also considering cases "alternative" to our entry
on the list and cited the possibility of
use them (all from Italy ... and 11,830) to support courses in
four regions (Campania, Puglia, Calabria, Sicily) who gave the lowest to the test results
OECD-PISA ( !!!!!!!!!!). The same
the senators pointed out that the project is "difficult to achieve"
(elegant euphemism for "bullshit"). This serves to make us understand the level of the commission and ambiguity of

July 30: In the vote of the Bill 112, members of the PD
Cultural Committee of the House, whose parent company was contacted
dall'ANIEF, shall approve a different agenda for us
similar to that presented by the right in the Senate.

August 5: 112 is the bill finally voted on and approved. The SSIS
is suspended and, considering that the right wants to reform the system
teacher training, one can say with almost absolute certainty that
will never be activated. This means that we, once approved,
we have the opportunity to do courses or to support or additional semesters
to exploit the abilities, then that will be lost (
I refer in particular to the colleagues of the linguistic and literary).

To all this must be added the fact that groups of temporary workers who do not want
new "competitors" in the rankings are now working to defend
by an extension or to make sure that we come at the very
longer in a "fourth class" (ie a death sentence, in defiance of all our sacrifices
) created specifically for us. For all this the

ANIEF has called for a demonstration on October 2 in Rome for national
CYCLE IN RANK SSIS and equal SSIS previous cycles.

And 'our duty, if we keep to ourselves, AND PARTICIPATE IN MANY.

very few days I will send you another mail with finer details
organization of the event. Keep

also informed through the blog dell'ANIEF < >
. To be in contact with other nonociclisti
and receive answers to questions and concerns we have a forum with free registration < > and, for
ANIEF members, the mailing list .

I ask, as usual, referring to groups internship indirect
forward this mail to groups so that it reaches even to people who are not members
ANIEF (think again ... there is no one else is doing something
for the ninth cycle and the association is acting ... even for those who
is not in writing), of which I have no email address.


Patrick Petricola


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