Thursday, December 17, 2009

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after the attack on Berlusconi will be 'WAR OR PEACE BETWEEN THE TWO POLES?

As a must these days in dealer held pre-Christmas in the political debate the cowardly attack perpetrated against the Prime Minister Berlusconi, a victim of a madman, Massimo Tartaglia his name, who violently lashed out at the premier face of a souvenir statue of the Milan Cathedral causing severe damage to his face.
I would say that is a must, obvious and natural to give full support to Prime Minister and order without ifs and buts the rash act of a person, Tartaglia, who is 10 years under psychiatric treatment for mental disorders.
Without this premise we would keep to reiterate, however, that I did not like at all the clamor and competition to see who shoots the biggest that has been unleashed after the attack, with heavy words from both sides: Di Pietro Berlusconi says that in practice, and thus whether it instigates circles and is well, and instead pointed to the center as the principal opposition's moral and material cowardly attack suffered by the Prime Minister, instead of grasping the fact that Tartaglia was a madman who acted alone.
I think big words are flown by both sides and the climate of peace called for by Napolitano in my little opinion has been put into practice by the two poles.
The discussion in all the newspapers and the media is purely in understanding who feeds and breeds hatred towards political opponents and to cause in this frail, sick and conditioned such actions ... well I would say that both political factions are responsible for: the center-left sometimes exaggerates nell'antiberlusconismo to the bitter and partisan, some leftists Silvio is responsible for any bad thing happen in Italy, accused him of being mafia and even the instigator of the massacres that killed Falcone and Borsellino '92, on the side of the center-right faction and the ' stupidity in defending always the prime minister even if it is indefensible, by soldiers of the court see Bonaiuti, Cicchitto, Bondi, Capezzone is nothing short of irritating and shows an absolute political insignificance. Also well
Knight and his entourage do not spare words of fire against the judiciary and other branches of government are systematically de-legitimized and offended or pronounce words as heavy as when he said in 2006 that those who vote left are idiots.
In my opinion we are not yet the climate of the early lead but I believe that moderation from now on is a must for all, to avoid acts that happen like this or even worse, tragically.


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