Thursday, June 19, 2008

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"First they came for the gypsies, and I was happy because pilfered.

Then they came for the Jews and I said nothing because I was unsympathetic.

Then they came for the homosexuals and I was relieved because I was annoying.

Then they came for the Communists and I did not say anything because I was not a Communist.

One day they came for me and there was nobody left to protest. "

(Bertolt Brecht)

How Long Does Lead Poisoning Take


Sunday, June 15, 2008

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general info. theme: beer

Abbey Style beer, beer (abbey, abbaye) indicating its own style of Belgium beer that is produced according to recipes that are based on those ancient monasteries. Ex Grimbergen.
Ale generic name to describe the beers of high fermentation, indicates, however, strictly speaking, those produced in the United Kingdom.
Barley wine literally "barley wine" means beer with a strong alcohol content, particularly rich and structured, with a typical copper color. Fuller's Ex Golden Pride.
Belgian Ale ale Indicates generically produced in Belgium. This style products are made from very different.
Berliner Weisse Wheat beer typical of Berlin, of dull color and un'alcolicità between 3 and 4%.
Bière de Garde beer is brewed in the north of France, amber and generally high fermentation. They are very often slightly sweet and a little 'fruity. Bitter ale
The most classic English ale. Amber, the pronounced hop character, and around 5% alcohol. Eg John Bull, London Pride.
Blanche in French indicates a style typical of wheat beers of Belgium and Northern France. Bock
Term used in Germany to indicate lager characterized by a high alcohol content.
English Brown ale is slightly sweet, lightly hopped and dark amber color. Equipped with a good structure, is mostly limited to 5% alcohol.
Cream Stout Irish stout version of London, is distinguished by a softer and less bitter taste. Eg Allsopp's Cream Stout. Term
Continental lager beers lager in England shows not produced at home.
Doppelbock Double Doppel = Indicates more alcoholic beer of bock, dark and very often made with malt especially toasted.
Double Malt Italian legal category that means beer with an alcohol content higher than 14.5 degrees Plato. Defines rather alcoholic beers while not necessarily indicate the use of malt of special quality. Dortmunder Lager
good structure and malty character with about 5% alcohol. Typical Dortmund.
Double / Dubbel Belgian Ale, usually amber, very often abbey beer. Not particularly alcohol, for its category, is produced with a large amount of malt. Ex Grimbergen Double.
Dunkel does not indicate a proper style but the color of a dark German beer. Export Definition
not identifiable, generally indicates a lager beer created for export, as the clear British born to be exported, as the British national drink lager but only continental lager.
Framboise / Frambozen Lambic spontaneous fermentation with the addition of raspberries during fermentation.
Guez "Blend" lambic made of different age, even for years in barrels, usually oak or oak. It 's a very complex beer taste sour and deliberately unbalanced. Indicates a
Hefe Weisse wheat beer with yeast present. Ex Prinzregent.
Ice beer style inspired by traditional eisbock. Beer taken from a part of the aqueous component and therefore more concentrated in alcohol and flavors.
India pale ale for export IPAInglese born, describes a more alcoholic and hoppy pale ale.
Kölsch beer of high fermentation typical of Cologne. Clear, light in taste and with about 3% alcohol.
Kriek Lambic Belgian spontaneous fermentation with the addition of cherries during fermentation.
Lager generic definition for bottom-fermented beers. It is also used to define less hoppy ales of pils. Lambic Beer
wheat spontaneous fermentation.
Light beer to Italian law is a beer with un'alcolicità between 5 and 11 degrees Plato or, approximately, between 2 and 4% vol. alc.
Marzen Lager German amber color, quite malty and well hopped. Traditionally produced in March, hence the name, is served in October.
English Mild ale typically dark amber. Directed more towards the aromas of malt hops, un'alcolicità has close to 3.5%.
Münchner Specialty Monaco, is a rather malty dark lager with about 5% alcohol.
Octoberfestbier Bavarian beer was produced at dell'Ocktoberfest the style Marzen, without being filtered and pasteurized. This beer is almost impossible to find. A Magliano Sabina (RI) in August is held a festival called "Beer Only" of this particular beer come every year from 2000 liters Germany.
English Pale ale not much alcohol and hop character, is distinguished from the bitter to the amber color with orange highlights.
Pils / Pilsner / Pilsener bottom-fermenting lager from the city of Pilsen (Czech Republic). Today is indicative of a well-hopped lager, and is produced all over the world.
Porter's original high fermentation beer in London, similar to but slightly less dark stout and bitter. Defines a category
Premium Italian commercial. Should indicate a higher quality product.
Scotch Ale Ale produced in Scotland. It is often strong and dark. Special Category
Italian legal beer with an alcohol indicates that Plato is not less than 12.5.
Stout Irish stout made with roasted malts and characterized by a very particular aroma and a creamy head. Normally not much alcohol also provides substyles as milk, cream, and dry oatmeal (made with oats).
Strong Ale Indica, in the Anglo-Saxon world, very alcoholic ale. In the Scandinavian countries may also refer a bottom-fermented beers (in this case ale comes from 'ol "," OL "or" olut "meaning" beer ").
Strong Lager Lager high alcohol content.
Trappist / Trappist / Trappist beer brewed by Trappist monks directly .
Triple / Tripel Belgian ale, usually clear, high-alcohol, which undergoes three fermentations in a bottle or keg. It is almost always an abbey beer.
Vienna bottom-fermenting beer to light amber color, native to 'Austria.
Weisse / Weizen German term to indicate a wheat beer.
Weizenbock particularly structured dark wheat beer. A cross between a weizen, of course, and a bock.
White / Wit In English, Flemish or wheat beers.

Monday, June 9, 2008

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Dinner ssissina that goodness!

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Between classes and another ... (But we're cute!)

Sunday, June 8, 2008

How Someone Slip Into A Coma


Why complementareNel security reform our country in recent decades have better lives and more. It greatly increased the elderly population, while fewer children are born. You then pay pensions to more people for longer. To keep the pension system in balance has been necessary as a result of various reforms such as pensions of future retirees will be less generous than those paid to workers who retired recently. The difference will be felt especially by the workers entered the labor market after 1 January 1996 or a few years of service to that date. An example may serve to clarify the situation. Consider the case of three female employees. All start work at 25 years and retire at 60. Assuming a salary the same, the only difference is the year of birth: Adele was born in 1950, Beatrice in 1965 and Clare in 1980. Today, all receive a gross income of 20,000 €. At 60 years, their pension may be estimated as follows.

Adele Beatrice Chiara

salary calculation system Contribution

Mixed Age / Year
60 / 2010
60 / 2025
60 / 2040
Income 20,807 28,005

37,690 13,965 Pension

16,758 21,346 Pension Value / Income

67% 60% 57%

all figures are gross of taxation and inflation after eliminating
wages are calculated:
the past, based on of the historical
compensation of employees for the future, we imagine growth after inflation of 2%
the growth rate of inflation used in the calculations for the future is assumed 2% growth rate
Real GDP is projected at 1, 5% per annum
the transformation coefficients applied to the component contributions are indicated by L. 335/95, no update hypothesized to allow workers to have, even during retirement, income is not too different from what had during their working life, the law came into force on 1 January 2007, aims to develop a pension system based on two "pillars": the first is the compulsory insurance (paid by INPS, Inpdap, professional speakers, etc..) and provides the basic pension and the second is the complementary pensions whose purpose is to pay pensions in addition to those security public. The membership of complementary pension schemes will be critical to ensure tomorrow's elderly pensions of an appropriate and a life more serene and peaceful.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

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of what is really useful
can be taught "

(Oscar Wilde )

Friday, June 6, 2008

In Cold Blood Purpose

contest underway

school catering

CONTEST (deadline July 3, 2008)
competition, only for exams, which cover a permanent positions and full-time technical instructor, category C, in the area for the territory and the economic development of the town of Montechiarugolo.

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school debt, set aside another 57 million for the courses. Organizational choices are left to the autonomy of individual schools: Candidat!

Debts school: 57 million earmarked for other courses.
August 31 deadline for the recovery

Rome, June 4, 2008
The Ministry of Education, University and Research has today sent to schools across Italy on a circular activity for the recovery of debts to the school and the final vote. Given that the school year is now at the final stage and considering the work that schools have already made, at present it is impracticable defined by a change in existing provisions for the recovery of debts schools. When the new school year will include a thorough reflection on key topics and also detected by monitoring progress. Any changes will be compared between the Ministry and the trade union organizations, the professional associations, associations of parents, councils and student bodies. Given the complexity of the interventions promoted or to promote and to meet the demands of schools, the circular provides for measures which will have immediate effect.
Additional Resources for € 57 million for the organization of remedial courses has been allocated additional EUR 57 million, to be added to the 197 million already provided in the school fund.
school autonomy and organization of the recovery
organizational choices on how to recover - such as the time consistency of training, the teachers how to use and patterns of speech - are were left to the individual school.
August 31 deadline for overcoming debt verification
school debts will be recovered by August 31, 2008. Any extension, motivated by specific organizational needs, must be adequately assessed in relation to the implications arising from the start of next school year.
recovery initiatives and their evaluation must still be completed before the start date of classes.