Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Pringles Pinhole Camera Doesn't Work Why


reproduce below an interview with the Minister of Welfare Sacconi, with which they are not at all agree.
Welfare Minister believes that boys pay the bill for bad teachers: "They take them to skills that are not required by the labor market." Necessary to reassess the manual labor
ROMA - One of the causes of youth unemployment in Italy? Have 'bad teachers' and 'bad parents'. It supports the Welfare Minister Maurizio Sacconi, that it is necessary to reevaluate the "manual labor, technical education and vocational high school without a choice is made for one social convention and maybe not seeing that Govan has the intelligence in the hands ".
Young said Sacconi speaking on Radio Rai 1, "certainly are particularly vulnerable to unemployment pay the bill mainly because of bad teachers and sometimes bad parents, bad teachers because they distracted and that led them to skills that are required by the labor market. "
to the minister's response "fundamental" can only be "one of the investment in knowledge, skills, schools and universities, the training that must be realized in particular by the school to work. The orientation of educational choices is a very important moment. We try to help strengthen the labor market information, a program with chambers of commerce and a system on a provincial basis every three months will give information on the skills demanded by current and prospective labor market. "

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Whats A Household Lube?

There are no more heroes than once

Saviano, Assange, heroes of modern communication, men who are likely first-person telling things that someone would not want to know. Yet I am not convinced. Because even they can not stay away from the spotlight, do not give up and pull up the first women quakche mites from their television appearances and literary. For example, a few hours ago that Assange, prophet of the open secrets of Wikileaks, has an agreement in dance by a half million dollars for his autobiography. And we fly over on the other hand had to be used by Saviano dead cat from Fabio Fazio. I do not trust the heroes for a fee, do not find them credible. I do not trust those who denounce the killings of the Camorra, and instead justifies euthanasia. Distinguishing between those who died because bothered Honor Company and who is dead because it was a burden to modern society. E 'in the scene the hero, takes, applause.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

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Talk, chin

These days we have seen members bought and sold, screamers with swollen neck veins, immoral moralists and pacifists quarrelsome. We've seen what you can do just to maintain power, and what to do while riese to conquer. Parliament has become the dumping of toxic waste from factories of Power. The reality is somewhere else, lies in the daily toil of life, who places his feet every morning on the ground trying to sustain itself despite the headwinds. The truth belongs to those who sweats every day trying to make sense of their sacrifices. A person who rejects the revolutionary violence, which is convenient only to the powerful. To those who every day creates the preconditions for a renewed civilization, paying in person.

Friday, December 3, 2010

How Do I Know If My Bladder Has Fallen

parties with Kriterion

Our Association - Kriterion families and individuals - has had its baptism of fire: November 6 dances started with a day to update physicians and psychologists on headache and obesity in children . 27, we continued with another day on the relationship between psychotherapy and religious dimension of the patient. We are very pleased with the success of the events and for the competence of those who helped us in achieving. A special thanks to the Association of stocks that Ali has the consistent support machine organization.
The participants showed interest in the subjects covered and they have explicitly asked to continue to aprofondire few topics. Risopndere We hope to welcome as soon as possible to these requests.
another innovation in the near future. Is about to start a version of "mature" and structure of the workshop Psychologist . It will be a monthly event with young psychologists and psychotherapists in training, to meet, exchange experiences, discuss professional issues most pressing, or ideological, free from school. Under the Psychology of Reality, which Kriterion wants to invest its resources and its reflections. Put on your site and blog as soon as possible the information to all concerned. It is our intention to shop will be a place of thought to produce concrete initiatives. In the interest of the Person and the Family.
In short, we left. To work with policy.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Wd Acronis Interrupted

the puppet of Putin

Interviewed on Wikileaks revelations about parties and partying, "the best prime minister of the last 150 years," said that "we must not look at the statements of officials of the third or fourth grade in the end report what they read in newspapers left. "
According to The New York Times on November 28, Putin and "The best prime minister for 150 years (from now on, in code IMPDCDU150A) form an" alliance intriguing "exchange regaloni and do business through a "shady" broker-speaking diplomats russo.I via Veneto scrivono che IMPDCDU150A “appears increasingly to be the mouthpiece of Putin”.
Insomma secondo quei “funzionari di terzo e quarto grado” dell’ambasciata Usa IMPDCDU150A è più un pupazzo che un portavoce, ma che volete, questa è solo l’opinione di “funzionari di terzo e quarto grado” dell’Ambasciata Usa.
Suddetti funzionari di terzo e quarto grado non fanno feste di notte e, svegli, di giorno:
1. Leggono giornali di sinistra
2. sono imbeccati dalle gazzette comuniste
3. credono alle toghe rosse
4. complottano contro l’Italia
5. fanno crollare il prezzo dei BTP
6. bringing down the school of gladiators
7. give order to the U.S. Consulate in Naples to throw rubbish on the street
8. primed the New York Times that is primed by El Pais, which is primed by the Republic, which is prompted by De Benedetti
9. to believe that prostitutes do not know who they are paid
10. IMPDCDU150A define as the puppet of a communist macho (Putin, the alpha dog) who has worked as a spy for the Union (not that of Mortadella, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics). In closing I quote
Ennio Flaiano ('the situation is serious but not serious') but I prefer a Roberto Benigni vintage: "Italy are destroying a lot but have fun."