Friday, October 29, 2010

Williams Rogers Butter Knife


The most important parameter to explain the quality of life of the adult population is work. Scientific studies have shown that most important variable to explain the longevity of citizens is the type of work they do. The better the quality of work (that is, the greater the opportunity to demonstrate in their workplaces, the creativity that the whole human being has, the greater control of its working environment and working conditions and greater satisfaction with his work), the greater the number of years of life of a citizen. In fact, the work is 24 hours of the day, not just the eight-hour workday. And the weakest of our society is that, for most people who work, work is not in itself, a means of entertainment, creativity and satisfaction, but a simple tool to reach the half-money-so that those 'made in individual feels world consumption.
The consumer society makes the world work a simple tool to consume.
What the person (the consumer) depends on what he does (the job). Thus, the common people, in the great wisdom that gives his daily experience, when a person wants to know, after having asked his name, usually asks: "And you, who do you do?". And when given the answer to this question already know a lot of the other person, including the level of consumption, the kind of house he has and the type of neighborhood where she lives, as well as his lifestyle and so on.
But the work is not only a good individual but also collective. That is, many people work (and with a good job), greater wealth resides in a country. In reality, the fact that in Spain we less rich in most countries of Europe is due to the fact that we have less than their employed. However, to get a good job must first have a job. And this is not in abundance. And that's where the problem begins. If all these people who want to having a job could find and there was full employment, the application would only work, but good job. A good job would be the main focus of most of the adult population. But when there is so much unemployment, demand fell and just work wonders.
Unemployment, however, occur where there is less work than offer the people who want to look for work. And that can respond to several reasons. One is that the economy is strong and there is sufficient demand for products and services, and companies reduce their production and lay off their workers. This is what is happening now. But beyond that there are structural causes that have existed for many years. One is technological change, which allows a worker to do what they did in the first twenty. Another is the shift of firms in other countries, where they also bring jobs. And still another is immigration, which increases the amount of people in search of work. Each of these structural causes can vary depending on policy decisions.
Another way to reduce unemployment, which is investigating not so much as on previous ones, is to increase labor supply by reducing the number of hours worked. This is indeed what the Roosevelt administration did with the New Deal, when unemployment rose dramatically during the Great Depression. In 1940, Roosevelt issued a law establishing the working week of five days, when it was six days. This change was very important, not only increased the quality of life of the working population (and that of his family), but significantly increased the offer to work. Hence a measure of efficiency to create great work would be to reduce the working week to four days, a change which, of course, should be done slowly without adversely affecting the production of goods and services. It is probable that the company initially are reduced, which explains the huge opposition to this measure of the corporate world. In fact, his last question, the proposal for the European Commission, the neo-liberal sensibility, was to increase the working week from 48 to 65 hours.
Income working however, would increase, and from this point of view of economic efficiency is a positive outcome, because part of the financial and economic problems is based on the excessive polarization of incomes, with enormous exuberance of the benefits capital with a consequent reduction of the benefits of work. The enormous increase in productivity that has occurred during the twentieth century in most OECD countries brought major benefits to income from capital to income from work. From there, the importance of reversing this, both for reasons of fairness and economic efficiency!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Bad Taste Clarithromycin

to a possible psychology manifesto of the new pill

The reality is simple. The reality is true. The reality is accessible.

some psychology has a serious fault to have erased the immediacy of reality. He imposed preconceived thesis, has created suspicion, has overlooked the woods. It is armed with arrogance and conceit . He denied a normal life, failed love. He repudiated her mother, philosophy, and his father, common sense, and has carved a reality fitttizia. He haggled with medicine, sucking determinism, which is to be born free of a programmed machine. He became a religion and demanded worship.

The psychology of reality do not want this worship

1. Regard man as a whole composed of body and that is a main form and unifying principle of life.
2. This principle of life within a context that does not dissolve. The material world is approaching death.
3. The human feeling of wanting to live and to have a purpose in his life, but runs into a reality that succumbs under the weight of time and of its frailty.
4. All the time of its existence, the man tries to find solutions to the dilemma: how to be happy and in a reality that goes toward the dissolution? For this dilemma, there are infinite solutions wrong (ie all forms of autosalvezza) but arising from all claims of relying only on their and resources .
5. The solution that the psychology of the fact considers comply is that:
- welcomes what their limits;
- adapts to overlooks the reality that every human being;
- accepts its truth and not hide it;
- refers to a rule that is outside the moral nature;
- goes towards others practicing the rules of social life;
- not passively surrenders to dissolvimimento (attitude that leads to depression), nor imposes artificial obstacles (obstacles in the lives of people manifest as neurosis), but pursues a project that goes beyond the immediate
- devotes all his intelligence to find a way that is founded on rationality, reality and truth.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Best Professional Camcorder For Less Than 2000

explodes without brakes. Just a small provocation, and it sends a comatose woman in the subway. Just hit a dog (the fault of the owner) that the master himself almost kills the driver. Just to put an away football aferro and fire a city. Just a little bit of sexual attraction and take the rape and perhaps murder.
satisfy every desire?
that in the depth of the human heart there was hell it was well known, that its doors are always open up more they're seeing. It 'a split second that passes between the pulse and try to implement it, "acting out" they say in technical jargon. Many will come to think, before a person intolerable and provocative: "I want to strangle her." A man removes just the thought with another thought: "What makes me angry that here, better than giving up or else I can say or do something that I regret." This balanced and mature people. It happens however, increasingly, there are those who do not mind this filter triggers and the really puts his hands around his neck. Why does it happen? Why are people unable to use a filter between emotions and action? The reasons are many. The most popular are certainly drugs and alcohol, substances (without the split between light and heavy) can weaken, to abolish them altogether, the ability to brake and vigilance are the property of a healthy individual. But there is a deep question piiĆ¹. Regarding education and therefore the family. Parents are accustomed to satisfying every desire of children to say yes to every request, to tolerate any outburst of anger, not to punish, to allow free rein to all their passion. So destroy the children's potential for self-control, and therefore expose them to enormous dangers. Since the company is unable to repair the mistakes of their parents and the school is foolish to charge this responsibility that do not belong to him, the consequences we see daily in the newspaper. While all this happens, instead of deal to restore the family to its rightful place, we continue to miss the target, calling for more police, more cameras, more courses in schools. The only thing that matters is reassessing the traditional family and culture and give them the means to carry out his task.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

War and the dead in Afghanistan

The war in Afghanistan has now returned the dead bodies of four Italian soldiers. How many more must die before the policy takes responsibility to put an end to this senseless tragedy?

How much blood will still flow before the Italian Parliament chooses to discuss openly and honestly for the war in Afghanistan and pull out Italy from this disaster?

How many coffins we will have to bring before our eyes to push the RAI to arrange a serious debate on the war in Afghanistan? When our public broadcasting service will help the Italians to understand what happened, what's going on and how you can do to prevent more deaths? When that happens will be invited to speak also the peacemakers, not just the usual suspects?

Our young soldiers are dying because the military government continues to pass on the task of solving a huge problem that the military have no chance of solving. As yet we have to endure this mess?

Therefore, while we join the excruciating pain of the family of Gianni Manca, Marco Pedone, Sebastian Villa, Francesco Vannozzi ask once again to Italy to abandon the path of war and bankruptcy and ineffectual efforts to build a ' political alternative to this unnecessary slaughter of innocents, truth and legality.

In my opinion there is the exit strategy: we must move from military to political and civil side of the victims of decades of war, oppression and poverty. We need to support the Afghan civil society that is committed to respect for human rights, Reconstruction and Reconciliation (the most important lever of democracy in Afghanistan). We need to increase significantly the actions of cooperation in order to meet the vital needs of the population.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

What Is Xddm Failure?

Violence kills children continues to kill even a few Mother. At the table of Dives

An r_2.jpg cora two women dead after abortion with RU486: three experts from the CDC confirm (' Centres for Disease Control and Prevention ) in Atlanta, the last number of prestigious scientific journal New England Journal of Medicine. Do not worry, they are just collateral damage of the next day.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Mucinex And Increased Erections

a patient told me: "Ultimately, nothing new under the sun, the politicians were stealing past and continue to steal today." Speech a little easier, a bit simplistic, but in a way acceptable. The rulers and the powerful of all ages have always been subjected to the temptation to take advantage of their situation and of using them rather than for the common good, for their own interests. "Who runs soup has" repeated the grandparents knew that long. Fret not worth the liver, or invoke some kind of change. Change sides, do not change hearts. But what makes me think of is the profound difference you see between the politicians a few decades ago and those today. I do that I also deal with drug addiction for some time, watching many of our representatives, I have the distinct feeling of being out of a wreath Service (for addiction), in front of a sidewalk, where people without self-control, personal dignity, sense of limits, crying with a bottle in his hand, tell the building of methadone, a stolen car, the last refuge of the tear luck homeless guy. Are taken from their confused and aggressive impulses they seem to mind, grind their teeth or laugh suddenly for the barking of a dog. Sad spectacle of people where it is difficult to establish between drugs, alcohol and behavior disorder of thought, what caused it. Some of them will come out? Perhaps, but few, only those who - in a moment of clarity - will be able to look in the mirror honestly. And after looking, if you will still have some mental resources saved from drugs, really ask for help. I can not help but to see our politicians the same way. Many cocaine addicts, most morally depraved, many ex-thugs forcibly repressed in a jacket and tie that did not belong. You insult, accuse each other, discovered with his fingers in the cookie jar they defend by attacking. They have no sense of limits, they do not control neither the words nor the thoughts that should anticipate the words. Do not measure the gestures, are barbaric. They bend their backs to the stronger, you sell, you buy it, lack of high ideals and projects. Spying and blackmail, they exchange the girls who aspire to the crumbs of the feast. They pretend to raise its voice, but act as obsequious courtiers of power that placed them there. No, this is not about not to steal, it is a rotten and corrupt political generation in the depths, and does not prejudice the right and do not save the left. And you do not save even the "pure", they want replace the others. Someone will come out? Ask for help from Sert until you take up.