Saturday, August 28, 2010

French Short Story Dr Mrs Vandertramp

"La donna e mobile ..." but not only she

Communication is also mobile, so mobile that the Telecommunications Authority announced overtaking: the phone calls on her cell phone now exceed those from fixed phones.

We like to have on this sort of inflatable donut that accompanies us in the deep of our day. It gives us the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing tied to the other at any time not to lose the contacts and relationships with the world, in short, not to drown Nehl depths of loneliness. The mobile phone is more than just a communication service, and breath, and security and existence. I exaggerate? So why do we carry the phone anywhere? Why anche solo per scendere in cantina lo mettiamo in tasca? Perchè, se disgraziatamente ci accorgiamo di non aver visto un messaggio inviatoci, ci vengono mille ansie? Perchè se il telefono si scarica ci viene il panico? Perchè non riusciamo a spegnerlo anche in ambienti dove sarebbe richiesto il silenzio? Il telefono che squilla è la prova che esisto, se qualcuno mi cerca evidentemente ci sono. Il modello di telefono che uso fa capire agli altri le mie possibilità economiche, o la mia capacità di indebitarmi pur di non perdere il treno della moda, o ancora lo snobismo di non essere alla moda. Insomma, il cellulare parla di me prima ancora di farmi parlare con te. Ma come abbiamo fatto a non estinguerci quando non avevamo il cellulare?

Monday, August 9, 2010

How Does A Scorpion Flirt


That there is something unclear in the events of Monaco An is now clear, but just to verify that there exists a special state power, the judiciary. Because of public money we throw it in the toilet enough, on this specific case it seems only right to leave work the pm, the only ones who have to check the criminal liability and, if necessary, summon Gianfranco Fini. Similarly is right that journalists, if not satisfied with the long note of the President of the Chamber and can disprove even a comma, to go on in their battle for transparency . That said, we can not ignore yet another act of squads set up by the Berlusconi regime .

Today it's up to Fini, several times in the past more or less recently it was the turn of Di Pietro, the judge was in October Mesiano, between late August and early September - after the director of 'Future Dino Boffo and the Republic of Ezio Mauro - Fini was again: we are talking about the media campaigns put up by the house organs all more or less indirectly controlled by the Knight . Campaign news that a Martian who knew nothing of Italy IN THEORY could be absolutely right (apart from the servizietto kindly reserved Mesiano, a Mafia-style simply piduista, as we have already had occasion to write ) because - again in theory - for requesting explanations for public figures to ensure transparency , no in practice it never released by desired of the 'end user' , always him, Silvio Berlusconi.

All were born in fact a political necessity, decidedly undemocratic: baton round's opponent . Di Pietro with its firm opposition to the regime comes to double the votes? Here's the scoop (always those periodicals, clockwork) on its real estate business and Free Il Giornale and, with help from outside of the increasingly excellent (excuse the grammar) Corriere della Sera, the photo with Contrada; Mesiano condemns in the Fininvest Cir De Benedetti pay to a compensation of 750 million euro for the Mondadori award? Tranquilli, just to see his socks Mattino5 turquoise passing it to a fool and you're done; Boffo from his newspaper critics quietly premier pimp but at the same time defender of Catholic values? Felt extracts from an old cylinder storiaccia of telephone harassment and indicated as a homosexual, leading him to resign. Republic pounds Berlusconi with the wrong questions, those on Naomi? Still Felt reveals that its director has paid for a house in black.

Now it's up to Fini, already in the crosshairs of the club official Felt (September 14, after its outputs to unmark the PDL, the director of the newspaper via Negri comes out with a warning of mold Dell'Utri "Delegate judges to do justice policy is a risk. Especially if the judicial investigations are based on theorems. Because today it is for the Prime Minister, tomorrow it could contact the President of the Chamber. It is sufficient to say, got out of a dossier of 2000 matters red light on the characters of the National Alliance to mount a scandal. Better not wake a sleeping dog. ")

After the break official and the creation of Freedom and the Future, here is the journalistic investigation on the house of An Monaco, passed to his brother's second wife Fini. The pressing joint Free and Il Giornale led to the opening of a dossier by the Public Prosecutor of Rome, against persons unknown for now. reiterate: the issue should be clarified and it is certainly right that reporters put questions to politicians. But you can not pass for journalism this systematic beatings, especially if the 'end users' direct of these campaigns - yes, he always - is anything but transparent . Going specifically talking about the case today, is more serious than a house inherited by a party that ends after several steps to the brother in law of what was then the leader of the political movement or a businessman to buy his future rampant fabulous residence is makes use of the pro-guardian of the legitimate owner of the villa for duped? It's time for a story .

Once upon a time, in 1974, a rampant entrepreneur who had set his sights on Villa San Martino di Arcore, estimated age of 1.7 billion lire. The young man, then of course a hat, he could to buy it for 250 million. The spell was possible thanks to Cesare Previti always special - what later became the now officially employed simple borrower, he bought with his money, the national Put the above award Mondadori - then protutore of the owner, the Annamaria Casati Stampa ladyship, still a minor. The fee, set on 500 million, not made in cash but in shares of some real estate companies not listed, was delayed in time. So then her ladyship, now an adult and moved to Brazil when she tried to cash in shares, was forced to yield to the generous offer Knight of the future: "You buys the I, but at half the price."

Here, when the various Felt, Belpietro, Faith, Jordan and Brachino find the time to tell this beautiful story on the grill by putting the Black Knights with their incessant questions, then you become more credible with the other surveys. Until then, remain the only independent journalists. From themselves.